Chapter 20: Our Story

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The four of us began our walk to an odd place. A reporter's room.

"How do we know he'll help?" Jack asks no one in particular.

"We don't. We just gotta hope," I tell him.

We talked very little as we walked. Except for Les. He told us his whole life story as we walked.

"And then this one time when we were supposed to be going to bed, we decided to sneak out onto the balcony instead."

"Hey, we're here!" Davey yells, silencing his brother.

He was right. We had arrived at a newspaper agency with a friend of ours inside. The guy who wrote about our strike before and took our photo for the papers. We went to his office.

"What do you want?" He asks us.

"We need your help," Jack tells him.

We explained our plan before he talked again. "I'd love to help you guys, but I'm sorry. I've been blacklisted. No printing press will print my news."

We all stood in silence for a moment before I thought of a solution. "If we found a printing press that you could use, would you help us," I ask

"Yes, but that's impossible," He tells us.

"Not when I'm involved," I tell him. Jack gives me a 'what are you talking about?' look. "Just meet us outside Pulitzer Hall at 9:00 tonight with our story."

"And what is our story?" Jack asks me.

"That's for you guys to figure out." I start to walk toward the door with Les right behind me. "I've got some strings to pull. Meet me back at the lodging house in 2 hours."

"Be safe," Davey tells me as I reach the door.

I turn to look at his pleading eyes before responding, "I will." I walk out the door and back out onto the street.

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