Chapter 11: Seize The Day

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Waking up in the morning, I notice some of the Newsies were still gone. They'll probably be back this morning and meet us at the distribution center. I get up and get ready before meeting Jack outside the lodging house. We walk towards the distribution center, stopping a little ways away. Some Newsies run over and say that all other places won't help us unless Brooklynn helps us. Well, great, Brooklynn won't help us unless we prove ourselves. We're screwed.

"Well, what now?" Race asks sadly as he and the other boys start giving up and sitting down.

Davey starts trying to get the boy's spirits up and convince them we can do it, but no one really buys it. Jack starts helping him, and soon enough, I start helping them too.

"Courage cannot erase our fears, courage is when we face our fears, tell those with power, safe in their tower, we will not obey, arise and seize the day!" Davey says as more of the boys start getting excited and believing in us. 

I stand up in front of everyone, wanting to get everyone on the same page. "Once we've begun, if we stand as one, someday becomes somehow. And a prayer becomes a vow."

Jack joins me and looks at everyone. "And the strike starts right now!"

We all start getting rilled up, and Jack leads us all into the distribution center. We see Weasel there with the Delancy brothers, but we outnumber them, so they don't do anything. I watch them hide behind their counter. We all start ripping up the newspapers so that no one can buy them. A news reporter with a camera meets us and gets set up to take a picture of us for the papers.

"Madie, come help us!" Jack yells at me as he starts throwing paper.

I smile and come to help him. We all get in a spot for the picture. The reporter takes the picture, and we all start ripping up the papers once again. 

Our strike goes perfect until we hear a whistle pierce through the sky and the words, "GET THEM!!!"

We all look around to see who's coming to get us. "Jack, run!" I yell to him as I realize it's Snyder.

Every Newsie scatters and tries to fight back while trying to get away. I want to help the boys, but I know I'm not much help. If Snyder gets me, I'll be done for. 


A scream stops me in my tracks. I turn to see Crutchie being dragged by the Delancey brothers. I can take them. I take off running back toward him, not wanting him to get hurt because I ran away. 

"Madie, no!" I hear Jack yell at me from somewhere up above, but I don't care. I can handle whatever they throw at me; Crutchie cannot.

I run towards them and start trying to get them to let go of Crutchie the easy way. I push the two away from Crutchie, but Oscar shoves me to the ground, pissing me off. I get up and punch them both. As I wind up to punch them once again, I feel arms wrap around me, securing me tightly. I look back to see it's Snyder who has me. I try to struggle and fight against his hold, but it does me no good. I continue to struggle as he drags me away, back to the place I once called home. Back to the refuge.

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