Chapter 19: Watch What Happens

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Les and I walk to Medda's. Once we get there, we enter the building, and I immediately hear yelling. I slowly make my way toward where I hear the screams as Les runs ahead of me.

"I found them!" Les yells happily.

"Oh, great more people!" Jack yells back.

"Who are you yelling at, Les? Please tell me you didn't come here alone," Davey says.

"I'm here," I say as I come into view. "And you need to relax, Jack."

"And youse needs to be in bed! Why are you here?" Jack says angrily, looking at me as I make my way closer.

"To make sure you're not dead. I'm not losing you." I look at Jack as I talk. "Besides, you said you'd be back by sunrise."

"You two have a weird connection," Davey says, looking at Jack and me.

"You have a weird connection," I tell him, pointing to him and Jack.

"Madie, go back home. I can't do anything for you." Jack says, turning away from me. "You're safer there anyway."

"Jack, we need you," Davey says, not backing down from his plan. "We have an idea. A city-wide strike. This isn't just about us anymore, it's about all kids needing to be heard. We deserve to be heard." 

"And put more people in danger!" Jack yells, looking back at us. "You do know Crutchie is still in the refuge, right? And Madie can barely walk!"

"Jack, I'm fine!" I yell back at him.

He continues on anyway. "If I can't save my two friends, how are we supposed to be able to win a city-wide strike!?"

"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good," Davey states.

"dsyufna" Jack replies.

"Exactly." Davey defends. "Here's how it goes, once we win"

"And we will be winning," I say. "Make no mistake."

"We'll be what?" Jack asks.

"We're already winning!" Davey yells.


"And we'll tell them straight up they let Crutchie go, or they keep getting pounded."

"Davey, what the heck? Did they bust up your brains or something? As I recall Dave, we all got our buts kicked they won."

"Won the battle,"


"Jackey, think about it we've got them surrounded."

"Here's what I think Joe's a jerk he's a rattlesnake."

"You're right, and you know why a snake starts to rattle?"

"No, why?"

"Cause he's scared. Go and look it up the poor guy's head is spinning."

I decide to add something here. "Why would they send for the goons and entire army. Dozens of tons and the cops and.."

"You know you may be right," Jack realizes.

"Thank you, God!" Davey yells.

"If he wasn't afraid,"


"Jack," I say, stepping toward him. "He knows we're winning."

"But you can't undo the past," Jack says sadly, looking straight at me.

"So just move on and stay on track!" I tell him.

"We've got faith," Les says.

"We've got the plans," Davey adds.

"And we've got Jack!" I yell.

"So whatever happens," Davey starts saying.

"We're back!" Jack finishes, shaking hands with Davey

"Come on, Jack, the boys think you've already run away to Santa Fe," I say.

"Where's Santa Fe?" Davey askes.

"Let's get going. We can't keep dem boys waiting." Jack says, ignoring Davey and walking up to me instead.

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