Where'd this bat come from? (Chapter 23)

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I have a new idea on this chapter....I'm gonna have some fun with this :) Sorry for another late upload :( I'm trying to get into my weekend-upload habit. Hope you like...Vommet please?

Enjoy :)


"I hate him," Jacob growled. "I hate how he looks at you and how you look at him. I hate how he knows your brother. I hate how he lives with you. I hate how he stole you from me. I hate that idiot."

There were tears in my eyes, and I was shaking. My face was splotchy from tears. Why was he doing this?  "Jake! No! Please," I sobbed.

"Forget it. If I can't have you, then no one can." Jake glared at me. He reached behind his back, and I could see the handle of a gun. I blinked.

Impossible, Jake would never do that. He raised the deadly weapon level with my forehead, the expression on his face sinister.


 The noise bounced off the walls inside the dark room.

I sprung up and shivered, blinking furiously. I took in my surroundings. My pale white bedroom walls and my matching white bedposts were in eyesight. I found comfort in the plush koala sitting on the dresser across from me.

It was just a dream. Relax. Deep breaths.

I got out of bed and opened my bedroom window. It was too hot, and I was way too sticky. I was covered in sweat. And I can't believe I dreamed about Jake killing me! He would never do that. He would never.

For some reason, tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of him. Jake. Why would he have left me alone in the café? I thought he was on my side. I thought he was trying to help me.

He was you idiot. He was trying to help you crush Ryan. He was helping you to break his heart and make you stay away from him.

What could possibly be the reason behind how I set Jake off? He was upset that I loved Ryan. I thought hard. Was it because he loved me? Realization hit me. That was exactly it. Jake liked me. That was the only thing that made sense. He wanted to pretend to be with me because he genuinely liked me. The plan would've gotten Ryan out of the picture, and he wanted me for himself. But I'd ruined everything by admitting I was in love with Ryan.

Jake likes me. Oh my god, Jake likes me. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I ran toward the bathroom next door and covered my mouth with my hand. I was going to be sick. This back and forth between me and the guys was actually making me physically ill.

 As I was leaving my room I tripped on something on the floor and collapsed, crying out in pain and choking on vomit. I jumped up, limping, in a hurry to make it to the bathroom. I got there just in time. I threw open the toilet lid and threw up my guts inside the toilet.

How did I not notice? I bet those lunch outings felt like dates to Jake, whereas I thought he was just being friendly. Jake even started being nicer to Liam, probably trying to win me over. I had assumed Liam was just growing on him.

Ryan was mad at me, Jake was mad at me, and I was mad at myself. I hated myself. I hated everything I'd done to get to this point in my life. Why couldn't I do something right for once in my life? Why was I so stupid?

 I let tears drip down my face, completely worn out.

Then I felt two arms wrap securely around my waist. I turned in their arms only to discover Ryan. He was peering down at me with warmth in his eyes. Figures it would be him.

I tried to escape his hold, yanking myself away, but he only held me tighter. I fought him hard, but he refused to relent. Then I finally stopped trying to escape and focused on calming down. I needed to stop crying. I tucked my head into Ryan's chest and counted his heartbeats. His heart was racing.

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