Problem (Chapter 30)

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Hope you like! PLEASE VOTE! Lately I've been getting chapters with 8 or 7 votes (including me) and usually I get around 25! :( Please, please, please, pretty PLEASE WITH ICE CREAM AND SPRINKLES THAT ARE COLORFUL AND NUTS AND MNM'S AND A CHERRY ON TOP! Everyone who votes on this chapter gets a virtual sundae :) Please? I hate to beg you guys, but I seriously would LOVE it if you'd vote! Ps. You guys willl love this chapter... >) it might be short, might be long, I'll decide how much suspense I need.....



After lots of bribery, I managed to drag Liam out of bed. He wasn't in the mood to get up to go to school after yesterday. Apparently, when Jake and I ditched school, Liam got left to hang out with the principal who had scared the pants off him. Liam refused to tell me what the principal said to him, but whatever it was, it couldn't have been good. I had to promise to take Liam out to Chuck E. Cheese just to get him to go brush his teeth.

 When Chase found out both that Jake hadn't shown up to teach Liam and that I had ditched, he put two and two together and was furious. He was madder than when he found out Ryan and I were dating. I didn't even think that was possible. After school, I had explained to him why I'd ditched to spend time with Jake, and he'd kind of forgiven me. He still wasn't talking to me though. But despite everything, Chase had still backed me up when I lied to the school and told them I was sick yesterday. That way I hadn't gotten a detention or anything for skipping school.

"C'mon, Liam. I promise Jake will be there!" I tugged on his arm gently, trying to nudge him toward the closet so he would change.

He scrunched his eyebrows. "Who's Jake?"

I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Your teacher. Now COME ON. I don't have time for this, I have to get ready too and give you breakfast."

He huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine."

I resisted smiling because if he saw me smiling at his unhappiness, he would've thrown a tantrum so big it would have scared King Kong. I covered my mouth, hiding my smile, watching him stomp toward the bathroom in his TTransformers pajamas. Oh God, I loved him. Suddenly, I felt the urge to tell him.

"I love you Liam."

His grumpy voice replied back. "I love you. Hmph."

I chuckled and left the room, changing into a sweatshirt and jeans. Then I went downstairs and made Liam a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. After, I poured his Trix cereal into a bowl. Liam came stomping down the stairs with a shirt that had a picture of the kid from Diary of a Wimpy Kid picking his nose. I rolled my eyes.

When Chase walked downstairs I said, "Chase, we're running out of groceries. Do you think you and Liam could catch a ride home with Ben or someone and I could take the car to the grocery store? You can't ride with Ryan because he has basketball practice."

Ryan played basketball as a club sport after school. Chase didn't have time for it--football, school, and Liam took up all the free time he had.

"Okay, fine." he responded. When Liam and Chase were done eating we all got into the car, and I strapped Liam into his booster. Chase drove us to school and this time I walked Liam to the library. When I walked in I gave Jake a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt so comfortable, so safe. So loved. I loved him. He loved me. So why couldn't we just be together?

"Hi Alissa," he greeted. I could tell he was smiling.

"Hey," I responded quietly.

He pulled back from my embrace and frowned. "Are you okay?"

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