Chapter 1

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The sound of heels click clacked down the hallways as a small petite figure emerged from the throne room doors. Her dark brown hair flowed down like a waterfall, her cloak cascading down her back, gliding on the floor as she walked gracefully towards her masters. Her bright red eyes brought fear to even the toughest vampires around. Mirroring. Her gift. The jewel in Aro's collection along with the deadly due, Alec and Jane. After bowing to the masters, she walked towards the twins, standing next to them in equal, if not higher, rank. It was an ordinary day. Everyone was either on missions or somewhere else in the castle. As the sky turned pink, the throne room doors burst open and a female vampire walked in, her clothes as revealing as those of a slut's. As she walked, her hips swayed from side to side, as if trying to seduce someone. Behind her, a group of tourists filed into the throne room, snapping pictures of the two guards and the three masters. Their flashes made the vampire around them growl in annoyance. The master in the middle of the throne walked down to greet the group of tourists as the slutty woman, Heidi, locked the doors behind them.

"Ah. Welcome all to the beautiful city or Volterra. I hope that your visit was pleasant so far. However, it must end here. We thank you for providing us with a feast and I am honored to say that it has begun!"

The tourists looked around in confusion as their looks switched to horror as the vampires started slowly sucking the blood from the people around them. Screams echoed throughout the hallways and dead bodies started building up, staining the white marble floor. Alec quickly finished off the human and went for another one, making his last kill the most enjoyable one. A lower guard charged at him victim, but a glance of warning made him scamper away in fear. After all, no one messes with the witch twins. Alec pinned the girl up by the neck and slowly started breaking her fingers one by one and then moving on the limbs, ignoring her screams of agony. Using his sharp teeth, he sliced her neck open slightly, licking off the blood slowly, making her death as long and painful as possible. From the corner, his twin sister was watching, smirking at the sight of her brother torturing a mere human. Yes. This was an ordinary day in Volterra, home of the deadly vampire monarchy.

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