Chapter 2

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Lydia's POV

Heading towards their rooms in the dimmest part of the castle, I used my extra sensitive vampire eyes to guide me through the darkness. I passed by the twins' room and saw Jane lying in her brother's arms, smiling at him. Her smile was truly beautiful. Such a pity that few people got to see it. Her twin brother looked down lovingly and kissed her forehead. Those two were absolutely adorable. But sometimes, you have to wonder. Do they have an incestuous relationship? Erasing that image from my mind, I focused on the tasks ahead of me. The Cullens are arriving tomorrow. This place is going to be so filled with wolf stench and Master Aro will be so busy telling me to make sure that they don't do anything stupid. Honestly. Sometimes you got to wonder how far Master Aro is willing to go to get Alice into our ranks. I walked into my room and plopped down onto my bed, sighing. Just then, I heard my door creak open slightly, revealing Alec.

"What do you want?"

He chuckled.

"Wow. Rude much? Here I am so graciously dragging a left over human all the way to your room and this is what I get?" he said melodramatically.

I rolled my eyes and quickly finished off the girl.

"Well, thank you," I muttered.

He just sighed and walked out of my room. Alec and I always had this thing. It was like a frenemy thing. I guess it started when I first joined. Master Aro saw me fighting off a bunch of stray vampires and was impressed with my gift. When I joined the Volturi, my position was higher than that of Alec and Jane's. I guess they got a little jealous and before I knew it, I was arched over in pain. Jane. Of course. She just couldn't stand not being the favorite. But over time, we got to know each other and I realized that she could be nice if she wanted to. Alec on the other hand, he just avoided me. I don't even know why. I guess he also felt those tingly feelings when he was around me. When I talked to Jane about it, she suggested that we might be mates. Tch. Like that's possible. 

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