Chapter 7

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Lydia's POV

Swarms of vampires collided as metallic screeches filled the air. Only one side was dying. The newborns. They were far too naive to fight these century old vampires. Why did we trust that vampire-whatever her name was- in the first place? As more and more newborns died, I noticed a little girl that wasn't fighting. She seemed to be looking for something...or someone. Carlisle and Esme rounded her up as she backed up, looking terrified. Carlisle glanced at Esme, as neither of them made a move on her. They decided to move on to a different newborn and leave that one alone. Tch. Vampires aren't supposed to show mercy. What are they doing? Three minutes passed. It was obvious who was going to win. But...where was Bella and Edward? I saw Alec place a hand on his twin's shoulder reassuringly, making sure to question it later. Why did I feel a tange of...jealousy? Wait. What?! I shook my head and turned my attention back to the fight, ignoring Alec's questioning glance. Just as the last of the newborns were killed, a werewolf was badly injured. This made all the Volturi members smirk. How pathetic. As soon as his werewolf friends carried the mutt off, I stepped out along with my other coven members. The pixie obviously saw them coming and they knew that running was not an option. Demetri would easily find them and they would be punished for evading the Volturi. The Cullens stood in a messed up formation, protecting Bella. The human. Ugh. Wait. When did she get here? Whatever. As the infamous four appeared about ten yards away from the Cullens, they let down their hoods in synchronization.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," said Jane nonchalantly.

"We were lucky," responded Carlisle.

"I doubt that," she smirked.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight," said Alec, amused at the situation.

"'s not often we're rendered unnecessary," said Jane, adding to her twin's lie.

"If you arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," counteracted Edward.

Stupid mind reader. I swear, I'm going to rip his head off one day. His eyes turned towards me and darkened. I smirked and let my fangs come out. Alec noticed and glared at Edward, stepping in front of me in a protective stance. Wait. Huh? 

"Pity," said Jane, with no sympathy at all in her voice while ignoring her twin and I.

I straightened up and placed a hand on Alec's shoulder. He walked back to where his twin was, a...blush?...on his face. I decided to ask him later. My gaze went back to the Cullens and wandered to the newborn she saw a couple minutes ago.

"You missed one," I gestured.

Carlisle turned towards the newborn, who was trying her best not to attack Bella and drink all her blood. He returned his attention back to us.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," he sighed.

"That wasn't yours to offer," I smirked.

"Why did you come?" asked Jane with authority in her voice.

When she didn't respond, Jane inflicted her gift on her, leaving the immortal screeching for mercy.

"Who created you?" asked Jane, increasing the level of pain.

Her screams could be heard from miles around.

"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything to want to know," pleaded Esme.

Jane smirked and retracted her gift.

"I know," she said smugly.

"I-I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe," stuttered Bree, who was still on the floor.

"Her name's Victoria. Perhaps you've heard of her," accused Edward, seeing last night's talk replay in Jane's head.

Jane gave him a warning look as Carlisle quickly intervened.

"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right Jane?"

"Of course," Jane lied.

"Felix," I said, turning my head to the tall and bulky vampire to my right.

He nodded and marched forward.

"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her."

I put a hand out to stop Felix.

"Give her a chance," prompted Carlisle.

I smirked inside her head. I knew that the rest of the Volturi were thinking the same thing that I was. This was the way we were trained after all.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius would be interested to know that she's still human," I sang.

"The date is set," said Bella.

Ugh. Stupid naive amateur. My eyes darkened and I hissed in annoyance.

"Take care of that Felix. I'd like to go home," said Jane, glad that she could see an execution.

Felix nodded and stalked forward to the girl who was sprawled on tech ground. The Cullens reluctantly let him through, knowing there is no way out of this. Her screams echoed through the trees as she was dismembered and tossed into the fire along with the other newborns.

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