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" May i have your attention? We are now taking off. Please turn off all electronics. The plane will be taking off in a few. I hope you enjoy your flight, and thank you for flying at Airway" Said the flight attendant.

Three hours later...*

I was i awoken to a loud voice and the drool of the heavy man beside me.

" This is your main flight attendant. Welcome to England. We are now landing. Please keep your seat belts on till there is a complete stop. Don't turn any electronics until you step off of plane. This has been a pleasure. Have a wonderful day."

I look outside the window and the sky is quite dark. It's raining cats and dogs! The plane stops and I grab my things. I can't stop thinking about the house and the people I'm going to meet in a few. As I am exiting the plane, I notice there's a man outside in all black with a sign saying " I am here for Elena Parkers". I go towards the man and he immediately asked if I was Elena. I said " yes sir" and I followed him to the limo.

I'm guessing this man didn't like to talk much because he didn't say a word since we got in the limo. I broke the silence and asked him " who are you? "

"I'm Jacub Louis , you're new driver." he answered.

"How are the owners of the house? Are they good people?" I asked

"Miss Elena, Mr and Mrs. Winters are very serious people. They won't hesitate to fire you if you don't do the job right. You must be aware, the Winters are people who have a lot of money. They have the money to get a new maid if they wanted to. You must be poise and respectful. And you must be a hard worker if you'd like to keep working for them. They pay very good because they have a ginormous mansion. But you first must clean good to be paid good."

I didn't say much after that. I just sat there, staring at the beauty outside the window. My eyes widened as we arrived to the mansion.

"We're here."

Jacub stepped out the car and opened my door. I think I froze for a second. I couldn't believe my eyes. There were only two people living here and it was bigger than the Playboy Mansion. I would never spend so much money on a house for two people. But then again, I didn't have the money to afford a house like this. I lived in an apartment before I came here. This was a big change, and I was anxious to see if it was a good change.

" Follow me Miss Elena." Said Jacub.
As we went inside, Jacub placed my bags by the front door.

" Mr and Mrs. Winters, Elena has arrived." Jacub formally yelled. They walked elegantly to the front door.

"Hello Elena, I'm Mrs. Winters and this is my husband. I hope this opportunity is one I don't regret." She smiled while I shook both their hands. Mrs. Winters was a pale woman with dark red hair. She was thin but stood like a stallion. Mrs. Winters looked kind but very demanding. She didn't stay for long to talk. Mr. Winters on the other hand, looked very strict and his smile was perfectly aligned and white as a pearl. He showed me around the house and told me what I should do. He also added what I shouldn't do.

"Mrs. Winters is going on a business trip so it's only you and I. Please do your work as I tell you. I wouldn't want to get rid of you." he said before he left the room. Maybe this job wasn't as easy as I thought.

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