Chapter 5

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What do you guys think so far?? Elena isn't being so smart is she? Is Mr. Winters taking advantage of Elena? Thanks for the support guys! Keep the comments coming. I'd love some advice.


I knew what occurred yesterday was a complete sin. But the way he told me that things were difficult, it seemed like a little boy scared of the monster underneath his bed. But why was he so scared? And Of what? Whatever it was, I needed to be there for him. And do I mention how he made me feel. He made me feel special. He made me feel loved.

After my mum had died, I had no one. My father had abandoned me as a child and because my mum wasn't here, I didn't know what love felt like anymore. Besides, I needed to distract him. I needed to be that girl who stands by his side no matter what.

I go downstairs to make my breakfast and Kyle enters the kitchen.

"Why are you up so early, Kyle?" I asked. But he didn't say a word. He just picked me up and put me on the counter. He just wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

"Kyle.." I said while I hugged him back, with my fingers in his hair. "Whatever it is, just know I'm here for you." He didn't say a word. He started to sob as soon as I said that.

"I'm the help. I'm here to help you."

"my mum just passed..." He finally said. My heart sank.

"Baby...look at me." He picked his head up and stared into my eyes. I wiped the tears from his bambi eyes and said.

"I understand it's a hard time for you at the moment. But do as I did when my mum passed. Look at yourself in the mirror. Wipe those tears and smile. Smile because you're the man that your mum hoped you'd be in the future. You haven't disappointed her. You made her very happy and proud. Just because she isn't with you physically, doesn't mean she isn't with you spiritually. Now come with me." I led him to the bedroom. I laid with him. I knew he was hurting so I comforted him.

We didn't say a word to each other. I had just wrapped myself around him. And he cried, hugging me back. The next couple of weeks were a rough patch for the both of us.

We were constantly arguing and fighting like a married couple. I cried in the shower for many nights. He had said many insulting things this week and I'm fed up with the insults. I understand he's hurting but he's treating me like a piece of shit. I've tried to be comforting but it's not working. And to be very honest, I think I'm done with this job.

"Hello Lena" Mr. Winters greets me in the kitchen. I ignore him.

"Ahem...I said, H E L L O Lena !" He repeated himself. He's talking to himself at this point because nobody is paying attention to him. He grabs my arm and twirls me around to face him.

"Elena , speak when your spoken to!" He grabs my cheek so I can look at him, but I just look away. "Elena what is your problem??"

"WHATS MY PROBLEM? Well, I try comforting you because you're in a difficult time right now, and I try to be understanding but all you do is insult me! Obviously sir, I'm going to be offended and hurt."

"Lena, I'm very sorry for how I acted and please forgive me, but I can't think straight. I'm trying my hardest to get myself together"

"Drinking won't help you, Kyle!" I yelled with fury.

"I'm sorry." He came towards me and try to hug me.

"Don't touch me.." I informed him while putting my hands up

"I'll let that go for tonight" and with that, he stormed off.

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