Chapter 7

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We turned around to face the voice from behind us. It was Mrs. Winters.
"I can explain-" Mr.Winters said
"Let me Ma'am" I regretted opening my mouth at that moment. "Your husband and I slept together. Not once. But twice. And he said he loves me." Mrs. Winters gasps in shock. "I comforted him when his mom passed because YOU weren't there for him. I stayed up making his food, because YOU weren't there for him. And I quite regret getting this job because I fell in love with this man you call your husband. I'm pretty sure I love him more than you do. Not to add, I would never leave him saying I'm going on a trip when in reality, I'm sleeping with his friend!!"
Mr and Mrs. Winters both stood with their mouths wide open. They didn't expect what I had just said.
"How dare you lie about such a thing to my husband?"
"Ma'am, no due respect, but I'm not lying. Maybe next time, you shouldn't leave your phone open." I threw papers from a magazine listing the conversations she had with Mr. Winters' friend. Mr. Winters picks the papers from the floor and his eyes skim the paper.
"Rebecca..." Mr. Winters looks Mrs. Winters in the eyes. "How could you?" He looked at her with such confusion.
"Kyle, you did the same! You can't talk much!" She answers.
"But I started just a month ago, you've been going on this trip for about 6 months"
"At least I didn't screw the help." She responded coldly.
"Well at least she cleans and cooks good. Oh and you can't forget about the screwing, that's wow... better than you ever-"
"You dirty tramp!!" She attacked me. She grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall. I was kicking and screaming.
"K-K-KY-LE" I tried letting out but I was a but short of breath.
"OH SO THE WHORE CALLS YOU KYLE TOO???" She yelled at Mr. Winters. She grabbed me by the hair and banged my head against the wall.
"Get the off of her!" He yanked her off of me. "Get your things and leave" he demanded.
"I'm not going anywhere!" She said. "Not until we're legally divorced!"
"Fine. But as soon as we get divorced, you're out of my house" he explained. "I'll sleep on the couch from now on" he took my hand and led me to this room downstairs. I never noticed this room. I always thought it was a closet or something. It was near the pool. And this room was huge. The walls were of pearl white, the bed was a king size and the covers were white with a blue floral lining on the end. He locked the door behind him. He cupped my cheeks and walked me towards the bed. We sat down on the side of the bed.
"Thank you so much for being the help" he cupped my face with his hands and passionately kissed my lips. I felt an electric shock and with that, I let out a moan. "Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for telling me about my wife. Thank-" he hesitated while a tear dropped from his crystal blue eye.
"Don't cry." I said while cleaning the tear from his eye.
"How? My life is going down hill into a ditch. First, my mum passes, now this?" His eyes landed on mine for a few before he put his head back down. "Elena, i don't know what to do.." My eyes watered. I tried relating myself to his position. I remembered when my mum passed, 'distress ' was an understatement. I was devastated. When I was hurting, I wanted someone by my side, but, no one was there for me.
"Kyle, you may have the burden of your mum passing till you're six feet under. You never really get over the passing. You just stop grieving as much. Let me tell you, it isn't easy, but things get easier. And your wife will be out of your hands as soon as you know it."
"I can't believe Katherine was capable of doing this for such a long time." He let out a sigh of disappointment.
"But Kyle? You had an affair as well..."
"But the reason why it hurt.." He explained. "She was my first love. And the day I laid my eyes on her, it was like the gods sent down the most beautiful, genuine angel they had. She was everything I wanted. And yes, I may have had an affair with you, but she's tattooed on my heart. I made a big mistake which I would take back but it angers me how she wouldn't take it back." I lowered my head.
When he said that he would take having such a wonderful moment with me, my heart sank and broke into a billion pieces. "Kyle, maybe she would take it back.. You haven't spoken to her, so you wouldn't know." I answered. I realized that he loved her unconditionally and I wasn't her. "I'm sorry, but I have finish cleaning." I was devastated. I needed to cry somewhere peaceful.
I went upstairs to my room, changed into a blue spaghetti strap shirt, Keds, and shorts. The shirt turned my eyes from light brown to a light green. I walked out the door and headed down to the deck near the lake. I sat down and began to cry and cry. My eyes widened as a body sat down next to me.

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