Chapter 8

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I was absolutely agitated. How can a man, make love to someone and still not love them? I crave affection. I crave the love of another human being. I want him to want me!
"Hey." Kyle said as he accompanied me on the deck. The sun was going down and it's reflection sparkled on the water. I extended my feet outwards so they dangled above the water.
"Hey." I answered back.
"Elena, look-" he started
"Save it." I interrupted. I was about to stand up when he grabbed my hand.
"Please just hear me out." I nodded my head indicating for him to continue.
"Elena, you're beautiful. You're as beautiful as this moment right now. For the past 3 months, Ive gotten to know you. I've gotten to know the real you. From when you told me about your parents to the time we spoke about our future dreams. I have this connection with you that I can't imagine having with anyone. I know... you're probably thinking about Rebecca. I care about Rebecca, a lot, but this wasn't the first incident I had with her. I knew she was cheating on me for a long time now. I have proof indicating that that vacation was not business. I've filed divorce papers since last year and somehow they either disappear or get declined. I wouldn't be surprised if she slept with the attorney to get him to decline the papers. But anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I...I...I like you."
Tears ran down our faces and a gasp left his lips. Except, it wasn't him who gasped. We turn around and see it's Rebecca.
"You were listening to everything I said?" Kyle asked in shock.
"Every word." Rebecca answered. "I'm surprised you think of me that way but I guess I deserve it. I just came to tell you that my stuff will be out of the house by tomorrow."

That was that. Rebecca moved out the next day and eventually got divorced with Kyle 2 days later. Kyle and I? Well, that's a story that should soon be told!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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