Chapter 21: Mel

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It's a full week before we can leave the caves, even though Rowan is up and walking the same day he first wakes up—the same day we first kissed.

It was our first kiss, but definitely not our last. We spend every moment we can in each other's arms, and when we fall asleep next to each other in the werewolves' communal bedroom, there's more to it than simply sharing body heat. Maybe it never was as simple as that, though in the tent Rowan would usually be up before I was even awake. Now he's the one sleeping in, and I often wake early, shaking from a dream of drowning, and calm myself by listening to his heartbeat and matching my breathing to his.

"Mel," Rowan whispers one night, his breath hot against my temple.

"Hm?" I tilt my head up but the angle is awkward, considering I'm using his chest as a pillow.

"I think we should leave soon. Is that okay with you?"

"Are you sure you're all right to travel?" Rowan's wound healed quickly after we got here, but I still catch him wincing when he moves his shoulder.

"I'm healed enough. I'll be fine, as long as we're careful."

"Then I'm ready. I don't think your pack really want us here anyway." As safe as we are here, I know we can't stay. Even Rowan is only grudgingly welcomed by some.

Rowan sighs. "You're right. They don't need more mouths to feed, especially with winter coming—another reason we need to get to Highhold and off this mountain as quick as we can."

I wonder if that's the only reason they don't want us here. Celyn must have heard about how werewolves are treated in Moon Bay, so being in the Guard probably hasn't done much to endear him to his pack.

"And..." Rowan continues, taking a deep breath. "I think we should leave tonight. Now."

"Right now?" I sit up stiffly, my hands on either side of Rowan's head. "But...our bags aren't packed, and I have no idea where the stables are. Our horses..."

"...Are tied up and saddled by the goat pen. I took care of it while you were in the baths. They won't know we're gone until morning."

"Oh." I look down, feeling guilty that I hadn't helped but sort of impressed with Rowan's foresight.

He gently moves my hands and moves into a crouch, squinting at the sixty-or-so werewolves spread over the floor to make sure everyone's asleep. I know Celyn sleeps somewhere in the middle of the cave, but I don't think she would object to our leaving even if we did wake her. Part of me wants to believe that Otto would stop us, after being reunited with his younger brother after so many years, but I know he won't. So far, he and Rowan have made every effort to avoid each other, apart from that one time in the sickroom when Rowan wasn't even conscious. At least, not as far as Otto knew.

Nobody stirs as we tiptoe around the various sleeping forms, some more human-shaped than others. As soon as we're in the tunnel leading up to the surface, Rowan slips his arm around my waist. I lean into him, the thought of being on our way again—and breathing fresh air!--making me want to giggle. Maybe I'm more tired than I thought.

My elation vanishes when Rowan eases open the door at the end of the tunnel. Aurel is hunkered down in the corner, wrapped in a sheepskin blanket and staring at a tattered book with glazed-over eyes. He looks up and scowls when we enter. "We got side chambers for that sort of thing, Rowan. Go there if you want some privacy."

Rowan scowls right back, giving my waist a squeeze. "Mel had a nightmare. We just want some fresh air."

For a moment I think Aurel's going to refuse, but then he stands up, grumbling. "Fine. If you fall down a cliff and die, we ain't sending out a search party."

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