Stuff You Never Wanted To Know About Silver Secrets

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Because I have a thing about telling people useless information about my stories.

~Physician Perdiscio's name is from the Esperanto words, "perdi" meaning "lose" and "scio" meaning "knowledge", because he lost one of his most valuable test subjects.

~Rowan's surname is from the Esperanto, "bedaŭri," meaning "regret."

~Instead of Theodore Perdiscio, Mel was originally developing her powers under the supervision of another physician named Lilia. Lilia and her niece Rosalind, who was Mel's best friend, were cut because I felt I could not do them justice with the plot I had. They will be appearing as main characters in another story, set in the same universe as my other book, Bright Flame, Deep Shadow, which I hope to write later this year.

~Mel also had a dog, who like Lilia and Rosalind, was cut because he did not fit with the story well enough. His name was Onion and he will be appearing in Lilia and Rosalind's story, as Rosalind's pet or possibly some kind of familiar.

~There was a point where I genuinely considered calling Rowan Bartholomew. Fuckin Bart the werewolf. I couldn't decide on a surname either so for most of the first and second drafts he was known as Captain Keyboardsmash because I got tired of writing his name like hahrhroqhk. Oh the joys of first drafts.

~The werewolves wear sheepskins...they're wolves in sheep's clothing *finger guns*

~What I like about Mel and Rowan's relationship is that they're both abnormal by Moon Bay standards. Mel is wary of Rowan at first but isn't that bothered by his wolfish features, and is only really concerned about it after seeing him almost-shift for the first time, and she eventually gets over it. When Mel remembers Aster's memories Rowan doesn't even question it because really, it's not the first weird thiing Mel's done and it's not gonna be the last.

~Cassandra is totally a Rowanthe shipper.

~I think that maybe the ruins of Highhold were (subconsciously) inspired by the Sorrows in GRRM's A Dance with Dragons. That place was so creepy and forlorn and I loved it.

~Obligatory Hogwarts Sorting: 

Slytherin: Angaret, Jareth. 

Gryffindor: Clay, Bree, Aster. 

Hufflepuff: River, Ed, Mel, Rowan (or maybe Slytherin?), Celyn, Otto. Nobody came across as a Ravenclaw to me for some reason. :(

Obligatory alignments thing:

Angaret: Neutral evil

Aster: Chaotic neutral

Bree: Chaotic neutral

Celyn: True neutral

Clay: Lawful evil

Ed: True neutral

Holanan: Chaotic evil

Mel: Neutral good (or maybe true neutral)

Otto: Neutral good

River: Chaotic evil

Rowan: Neutral or lawful good

There will be more at some point, I just need to root through my drafts to find my notes, lol.

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