Chapter 31: Mel

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My eyes snap open, but I immediately wince at the blinding white sky above me. The worst headache I've ever experienced throbs behind my eyes, and I'm soaked through with snow and blood. I open my mouth a fraction, letting a couple of flakes fall on my parched lips. I feel as weak as a kitten. So much for having fire in my blood.

Keep still, Mel. Please, please, please, be still.

I freeze, for the first time noticing I'm cradled in someone's arms—Rowan's. He is carrying me through the forest, and I just heard his voice in my head, as clearly as if he'd spoken.

He glances down at me, snow plastering strands of hair to his face and his eyes wide in surprise. You heard me.

It worked, I think back at him. It should feel weird and alien, but it doesn't. Communicating with Rowan like this feels as natural as breathing. What Aster said about relaxing my mind—it actually worked.

His brow creases in silent horror. Are you telling me you didn't know? You let me stab you and you didn't know if you'd survive?

No, I think grimly. I knew.

I close my eyes again, wanting nothing more than to get rid of that bloody light, but then I notice something else.

I can sense at least eight minds around me.

This isn't like hearing thought-buzz. It's just like Aster said—I can see the houses of the mind. For the first time in my life I'm surrounded by separate, individual entities, rather than the chaotic cloud of noise I'm used to.

I know Rowan is there, but in front of us are four others, three human and one not. The humans are unfamiliar, but I can make out that two are female and one is male, and one of the females is a lot younger than the others. There's someone else, though, someone whose presence sends a cold finger of dread down my spine.

The water elemental, the one who's tried to drown me twice. Her mind is familiar and I know I could probably take control of her again if I had to. If she attacks me again, I'll be ready. I tear my focus away from her. The last thing I want is for her to feel me and realise I'm alive. That would ruin any plan Rowan has—and I desperately hope he has one.

Instead I try to broaden my awareness, reach out to any other minds nearby. There's another non-human right behind Rowan, which must be the centaur, and I repress a shudder at the thought of that massive battleaxe so close at Rowan's back.

Even further behind us, way back up the path, I can feel a knot of minds writhing and twisting like a breath of black smoke, roiling with fury and prowling closer through the silent winter forest. Werewolves. I think I recognise Celyn and Otto and maybe even Kelan, but the rest are only smudges.

Rowan stops abruptly. I don't dare open my eyes to see where we are.

"Is this good enough?" the older woman demands.

"It's as good a place as any," Rowan grumbles. I hope I'm not imagining the double meaning in that sentence.

"Then start digging. Help him, Clay. River, melt the snow for them."

Rowan drops to his knees and rolls me out of his arms and onto the ground. Sorry, he thinks to me, they think you're dead. I hear his footsteps crunch away, but his thoughts stay with me.

I'm starting to feel like I am, I reply.

Celyn will be here soon. Hang in there.

"Are you sure the necklace will be enough proof?" the woman, who's obviously the leader, asks.

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