Chapter 6 - The Yellow Daisies

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On Saturday, Cat woke up with the biggest grin on her face despite the fact that it was only six in the morning and the knowledge that she'd be working a brutally long shift today. She was still grinning when she climbed out of the shower fifteen minutes later, and when she went downstairs with Luke to start on breakfast, she had the sudden urge to crank up the radio obnoxiously loud.

So she and Luke had a little dance party before getting a start on their day.

God, she was just so happy about the way last night had unfolded! She'd never been kissed like that before, and even hours later it was almost like she could still taste Nick on her lips.

The day continued to be a pretty good one even after Cat was out of the house. The sun was shining so she went and waited for Amanda in the parking lot, soaking in some of the rays while Luke picked weeds out of cracks in the asphalt.

"Look, that's Amanda's car," Cat said, taking Luke's hand and leading him closer to the patch of dried grass so that they wouldn't risk getting run over.

"Aunt 'Manda!" Luke yelled at the top of his lungs when the pregnant woman got out of the car to give him a big hug. Luke slammed into her legs, held on tight and hid his face in the fabric of her skirt.

"Hey little man!" she beamed.

"How big is your baby today?" Luke asked ritually

"The size of a sweet potato," Amanda answered and Luke burst into a fit of giggles, always finding it incredibly entertaining when she used fruits and veggies to describe her baby.

While she was studying fine arts full time at Loyola, Amanda was also a freelance photographer. She did a little bit of everything, from engagements and weddings to maternity shoots and family portraits. Cat absolutely loved her work; it was actually how they met almost three years ago. Cat was pregnant with Luke at the time and wanted an inexpensive maternity photoshoot. Hannah happened to know this girl that went to a different high school than theirs that did amazing work, so they got into contact with her through Facebook.

They all ended up living together in a house for their freshman year of college a little over a year later, which Cat figured might be weird and inconvenient with a toddler that'd only just learned how to walk, but they'd been a huge help and it was kind of sad when they ended up parting ways last May so that Amanda could get married and Hannah could move in with her boyfriend.

Today Amanda had a photoshoot just a few streets from the music store, so she offered to give Cat a ride, that way she wouldn't have to take the bus with Luke. Matt had babysitting duty, so they left Luke with him and went off to grab some coffee since they had a bit of spare time before Cat had to open the store.

"How was last night?" Amanda asked.

"It was alright," Cat blushed furiously, focusing on her cup of coffee so that she wouldn't have to meet Amanda's eye.

"By the looks of it, I'd say it was a little more than just 'alright'," Amanda smirked, a manicured hand around her cup of tea and the other on her little bump. "I really want to meet him! Hannah said he's pretty awesome... must be if he's got you all flustered like that," she grinned.

"He is," Cat smiled and before she had a chance to stop herself she started speaking again, excitement leaking from every word that poured out of her mouth. "The way he was with Luke was so great... they just bonded straight away! It was so weird to see Luke react to a stranger like that though; like, he just wanted to be around him all the time, showing him his toys and wanting to sit next to him at dinner... which by the way, I burnt... so we ended up going for pizza instead," she rambled.

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