Chapter 27 - Believe in Me

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The very last week of June, Cat got a call from the family law attorney that was assigned to her case involving James and it wasn't good.

Sullivan McDonald seemed competent enough – and very friendly – from the consultation she had with him at his office the week after Father's Day, but the more she got to speak to him, the more she was confident that the judge would rule in her favor and award her full custody of her son.

She had a job and scholarships that were allowing her to care for her son, she had a roof over both their heads and food on the table, she was in a steady relationship and despite her age, she'd proven to be a responsible and mature person. Of course, there was also James' track record. He was never around, he never paid for child support – although Cat had never asked him to – and he'd proven to be physically violent.

But now McDonald was telling her that James was adamant to fight her to the very end. He'd hired his own set of family lawyers, very expensive ones at that, and he was planning to use daddy's money to get his way.

Cat was so furious!

He wasn't even doing this for Luke either, which was probably the most upsetting part of this whole situation! He was doing this to get back at her for something – for what, she had absolutely no idea. They never really dated, so this couldn't possibly be a jealousy thing, could it? He could've been a part of Luke's life before but he chose to stay away, so why was he fighting so hard now? He never wanted to have the baby in the first place – he would've been just as pleased as her father if she'd gotten an abortion!

Why was he so vengeful and spiteful then?

"I might lose," Cat sobbed in Nick's arms that evening when Luke was asleep and she was certain he wouldn't overhear her meltdown. "He has hot shot lawyers and—and his parents are on—on his side! They're going to argue that they have the money to provide for him—they can pay for the best schools—and I can't do that! I'm just—I'm not as good—"

Her words became incoherent, muffled into Nick's chest as she cried herself hoarse. She'd been keeping it in all day, ever since the call, and now that she was alone with Nick in her bedroom, she couldn't stop everything from just flooding out.

"You are as good," Nick said to her, taking her face in his hands and pressing his forehead to hers, forcing her to look at him even though he couldn't look at her. "Baby, you're fucking bad-ass, you're super-mom and all the money in the world can't take that title away from you. You're the one that woke up in the middle of the night for three years to feed him and comfort him, not James. You're the one that changed thousands of diapers and did loads upon loads of laundry because of spit-ups and throw-ups and all kinds of other ups... not James."

Cat let out a sound halfway between a sob and a laugh.

"You're the strongest, bravest, most beautiful woman I know and the way you love that little boy is absolutely incredible. No judge in their right mind would look at the love you have for your son and not give you custody... if they don't... well, I'd say they're blind... but that's really not an excuse, is it? Even I can see it. Catherine, you've got this. I believe in you, so... believe in yourself too, OK? And for the days where you don't, I'm here to hold you up. I'm here... with you... always."

Cat sniffed.

"That was... wow. That was really good, very smooth. Have you ever thought about writing cheesy love songs?" she giggled.

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