Chapter 14 - Breaking Down Walls

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As Cat sped towards James' parents' house to pick up Luke, her fear and panic were slowly ebbing away, leaving behind a lot of anger – but not all of it directed at her ex.

Why did she forget her phone? She should've gone right back in there to fetch it the moment she realized it was still lying around on her kitchen table. She should've stopped to get it before they went bowling. By that point she was well aware that she'd be gone for most of the evening. Who the fuck goes twelve hours without checking their phone anymore, especially when they had a toddler that wasn't with them?

She should've prepared for anything to happen while Luke was away and not just assumed he'd be fine. She shouldn't have let herself get too swept up into her date night with Nick. Was she a bad mother for barely thinking of Luke at all while everything was happening over there?

James was irresponsible last night, and she'd yelled at him, but maybe she was merely projecting a lot of feelings onto him that she was feeling about herself. She was just as irresponsible for getting drunk and—

Her phone started to vibrate and Cat was quick to check it despite the fact that she was still driving. She was coming up to a red light, which made her feel a little safer about checking the text. It was from Nick, asking her if she'd made it home alright and if she had enough aspirin to last her the rest of the afternoon.

She felt tears sting the back of her eyelids again and quickly dialed his number, needing to talk to somebody right now so that she wouldn't completely lose her mind. She put him on speaker and returned her phone back onto the dock.

"Can't get enough of me, huh?" Nick replied almost immediately, his voice filling the car.

"Something happened with Luke last night," Cat said in a choked voice, angrily wiping at her cheek and silently cursing at herself for crying again.

"What?" Nick asked and Cat was surprised by the panic and urgency in his voice. She could hear movement in the background, like he'd stood up too quickly and knocked something over. "Cat, what happened? Is he OK?" he continued when she didn't immediately speak.

"Yes... yes, he's fine now... He ran away from the backyard and ended up on the street because fucking James wasn't watching him... His grandfather picked him up. He was going to the store to grab something... I don't know what... James probably said but I—anyway, I... um... I came home and I had all of these texts and voicemails and I just—"

She wiped at her tears again and a sob left her lips. She'd have to stop on the side of the road if her obstructed vision got too bad, which would mean leaving Luke with James for a few minutes longer than he had to be. She wouldn't have that. She needed him in her arms right now.

"Hey, Cat, babe, it's alright, he's fine now, take deep breaths," Nick told her in a deep, soothing voice. She wished she could reach for his hand right now, or have his arms around her holding her close against him.

"I know, but—I just—I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life... I mean, who the fuck doesn't know you have to watch a toddler at all times? Especially Luke, he's always getting into trouble when you leave him alone long enough... But would James know that? Of course not, 'cause he's never fucking there! But now he won't be, I gave him the boot. I'm just... I'm so done with him," Cat said tearfully.

"Do you want me to come over when you get back home later?" Nick asked.

Cat hesitated. She wanted to say yes, because she really did want him around, but at the same time she didn't know if it'd be the best idea.

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