Chapter 30 - #TeamSullivan

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"Are you ready for this?" Nick whispered.

"No," Cat replied shakily, glancing toward the door of the little office in which her child's future would be decided in just over ten minutes.

"Me neither," Nick admitted, gripping Cat's hand between both their seats and giving it a light squeeze. "Hey, after all this is over, we can go grab Luke from Amanda's and go get some ice cream," he added with a half-hearted grin.

Cat knew he couldn't see it, but right now the only response she could muster was a faint nod.

They were alone in the waiting area at the moment; the AC and the click clacking of the receptionist's keyboard were the only sounds that Cat could hear other than her hammering heartbeat. Nick was there next to her like a lifeline, unwavering. To be honest, she wasn't sure she could've done it without him these last few weeks.

"Sullivan should be here by now," Cat whispered.

"He will be. He had an appointment, so maybe he's running a little late, in this traffic it isn't improbable," Nick assured her.

"Yeah, okay," Cat nodded.

They waited in silence for a few moments longer before the doors swung open and three people in suits walked in: James Knightley and his two lawyers, both looking very full of themselves. Of course, their expressions were nothing compared to the smugness on James' face when he met Cat's gaze.

"James is here," Cat whispered to Nick, a sort of panic leaking into the tone of her voice that Nick caught onto immediately.

He didn't say anything, but his whole demeanor changed in a single second. His shoulders stiffened and the features on his face hardened, like he was trying to keep his temper in check. If Cat hadn't known Nick would never do anything to jeopardize the outcome of this mediation session, she would've expected him to launch himself at James and rip his throat out.

As dumb and random as it was, Sara's voice rang in the back of Cat's mind. I'm just imagining a blind guy kicking your ex's ass. Oh man, I'd pay big money to see that. As much as Cat would appreciate if Nick kicked James' ass right now, there were some things Cat just wouldn't pay to see it happen: her son's future, for example.

"It's okay, I'm fine," Cat whispered, squeezing his hand.

Nick opened his mouth to reply, but before he had a chance to form a single word, he was cut off by one of the two lawyers coming their way. Cat stood up and Nick was quick to do the same, Duke loyally at his feet.

"You must be Miss Logan, shall we get going then," he said with a smile, like they were about to go out on a date or something. Did he have any idea what he was doing to her right now? He was trying to rip an innocent child from his mother, and why, because he was getting paid a few grands? He could have the decency at the very least not to smile like that.

"I, um, we're waiting for—" Cat began nervously, looking up at the man and then glancing at Nick for some help.

The doors swung open again and Cat felt the rush of relief flow through her whole body when she saw Sullivan come in. He wore a suit similar to James' lawyers, but it didn't look nearly as stiff on him. He seemed relaxed, easygoing, but at the same time ready to kick some ass.

"Ah, gentlemen, Catherine," he grinned, taking the time to give everyone a proper handshake but stopping for just a while longer to give Cat's shoulder a quick, comforting squeeze. "It'll be fine," he said in her ear, and then loudly to the rest of the group he added: "Are we ready?"

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