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COLBY WAS up early the next morning, but she still spent a good hour or so laying in bed, wondering what she could do that day

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COLBY WAS up early the next morning, but she still spent a good hour or so laying in bed, wondering what she could do that day. Colby didn't know what to do with her days lately, and she was starting to regret turning down the chance to go to college — at least it would have given her something to occupy her time with. With the thought of college, Colby's mind travelled to Camille, whom she knew had the day off. Grabbing for her phone, Colby hit the most recent person in her call log, and the familiar dial tone beeped through the speaker. It rang a few times, before she finally picked up.

"Hello?" Camille asked, looking at the time. It was 9 in the morning, and Camille was surprised she was calling at this time.

"Hey, Cami! I know it's still early, but I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? I don't mind what, just don't have anything else to do." Colby explained, groaning dramatically at the end to emphasize her boredom. I don't want to be home right now, was more like the truth, but Camille didn't need to know that.

"Sure, Colby. I have some notes to do, so it won't be very exciting, but you can come over to my place when you're ready. Then, maybe we can get some lunch later?" Camille offered, and Colby grinned widely.

"Sounds perfect. I still have to get ready, but I'll be there in, like, an hour." Colby said, beginning to pull herself out of her bed.

"I'll see you then." Camille said, before hanging up. Colby pushed the hair out of her face, before looking around her messy room. She could've taken the day to clean, but instead she stood, grabbing some clothes and heading for the shower.


Colby stood outside Camille's apartment, trying to pat down a piece of hair that refused to cooperate. Colby was pretty sure she looked like a half-put together mess, with her white Iron Man t-shirt having a coffee stain on it, and her hair sticking up everywhere. Sighing, Colby knocked loudly on the door, and only had to wait a few seconds before it swung open, revealing Camille on the other side.

"Colby! Come on in!" Camille said, giving Colby a brief hug as she entered the apartment. Colby quickly made her way to Camille's bed, throwing her bag on the floor next to it, before flopping down on top. "Just let me finish up the chapter I'm working on, and then we can go grab some food."

"Hell yeah." Colby said, reaching off of the bed to grab her sketch pad from her bag. She flipped it open to find the loose piece of paper she had found on her desk that morning. It was a half-finished sketch, and Colby had simply put it in the confines of her sketch pad in her hurry to grab everything, and leave the apartment. She didn't actually know when she started drawing it, or what it was supposed to be, but Colby figured a little shading and refinement of some lines might help jog her memory.

After nearly an hour, Camille slammed her textbook shut, throwing her pen down on the desk with a sigh. Colby looked up from her drawing, pausing her finishing touches on an image of a woman laying on the ground.

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