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WHEN COLBY awoke the next morning, it was to Rebekah throwing clothes at her, telling her to wake up

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WHEN COLBY awoke the next morning, it was to Rebekah throwing clothes at her, telling her to wake up.

"Get up, dear, there's something I need to show you today." Groaning, Colby reluctantly got up, glaring at Rebekah. All the drawings from the night before had been ripped from the wall and shoved in one of the drawers of Colby's nightstand, with Klaus demanding that she speak of it to no one else. Shoving Rebekah out of the room and throwing on clothes, Colby followed Rebekah out to her red convertible, allowing her to take Colby wherever it is she wanted. Pulling up outside of a bar in the French Quarter, Colby followed Rebekah, who was obviously listening to whatever was going on inside.

"Because that is what Klaus does. Don't mind me, I'm fascinated by this story. Hello, Tyler." Rebekah said, shoving the door open. Tyler rolled his eyes, jaw clenched. Colby tried not to show her surprise at seeing Tyler there – he was the one who had taken Hayley, who had tried to blame Klaus for something he didn't do.

"Rebekah. Long time no see." Ignoring him, Rebekah addressed all the vampires in the room, and it was then that Colby noticed Marcel and Diego.

"What Tyler was about to tell you is that my brother can use his baby's blood to sire more hybrids. What you will all figure out is that vampires don't stand a chance. So, Tyler, I assume you were trying to rally this lot into making sure the baby isn't born." Rebekah said, giving Tyler a dangerous look. He stood from his seat, glaring at Rebekah.

"Yeah. You don't like it? Go on and take your brother's side. But you know I'm right." Tyler spat out. Colby slowly moved around everyone to stand besides Diego, who smiled at her sympathetically.

"I believe you've mistaken the ladies intentions." Marcel interjected.

"Alright. What's going on?" Diego asked before Colby could get the chance to.

"You are absolutely right, Tyler. My brother is a crap enough individual as it is. The last thing he needs is to sire a superior species. Go on, you can tell them." Rebekah said, smiling at Marcel.

"She's not here to fight us, she's here to help us." Rebekah looked pleased with herself at the admission, while Colby grew more uncomfortable by the second.

"That's right. But first," Rebekah speeds up to Tyler, snapping his neck and then sitting down in the chair he was sitting in previously. "That is enough talk about harming that baby. Klaus is the one we're putting a stop to."

"I'm leaving." Colby said, turning abruptly on her heel, heading for the door.

"Colby, wait!" Rebekah shouted and a vampire moved in front of her to stop her, growling lowly. Colby scoffed.

"I want to leave, Rebekah. So if you could tell your lovely friend here, Marcel, to stand down, I'd appreciate it." Colby snapped. Marcel nearly winced at the venom in her voice when she said his name, nodding at the vampire to stand down.

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