Back to normal....ish

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A/N so this chapter I dedicated to all my wonderful commenters I'll tag you in it once I come though and edit just really busy at the moment. Sorry this is another short chapter just a filler really next one will be longer :)
2 weeks later

Roses p.o.v
Where Im standing now, next to the love of my life, aross from me my partner's in crime to be and their hubbies to be. It couldn't get any better than this.. Though to be honest 2 weeks ago I would have never thought I would be standing here today.
Flash Back
Daemon covered my eye with his hands." What are you doing" he just chuckled and said "you'll have to wait and see" and with that he started guiding me soon a familiar smell hit me then another and another and another. I ripped out Daemon's grasp only to fall into the open Arms of Katie what is welled my eyes. "OMG your all better I'm so glad to see you" just then of throat cleared behind me. I whipped around to see none other than my best friend Bella sitting in a wheelchair tears welled up in my eyes again I ran over to her as I blurted out "OMG YOURE AWAKE,WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP AND WHY DID  NOBODY TELL ME, OMG CAN I HUG YOU". Bella just laughed then she opened her arms up and gave me a big bear hug . the time tears did full. After that there was a massive group hug and gossip group to get the up to speed on what they missed.
Flash back end
That was one of the best days of my life knowing they were both alive and nearly healthy and now here we are all in tip top shape being poked with needles "OK guys everything have beencaltered and they now fit you perfectly. Hey fun on Friday and good luck." Heather waved goodbye to us, she had been altering our dress so they were absolutly perfect, and now we headed to meet the boy's who are sitting at the food court, they havent let us out of there site since 'the incident' I'm surprised they didn't wait outside the dressing room like the ten guards they made stand outside. Poor dudes. Once we got back to the pack house we had to finalise the wedding plans and after that I was out like a light.

" GIRLS GET OUT OF BED THIS INSTANT" Luna Elena had been here for the last hour trying to wake us up and as you can see it isn't working "if you don't get up right now I'm going to get the boy's. Katie let out a giggle " No you won't you believe it bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day" Luna Elena just walked out and so I went back to the wonderful dream I was having, and was almost there when I heard three pairs of feet coming this way, I groaned and son after so did Bella and katie. I can't believe Elena have actually got them, well I was distracted in my thoughts daemon had crept up on my and was kissing my up my neck and along my jaw leaving a tingly travel behind his work. I let I moan slip, BIG mistastake. He made his way to my lips starting of slowly and soft he kissed me then he deepened it by then I was kissing him back and then he was gone I groaned that bast*rd was such a tease. Got up and dressed then made my way down for breakfast but I stopped dead in the door way when I saw the boy's. I fell to the floor laughing the life out of me. They had their cheeks stuffed with pancacks they looked like chipmucks and I don't even won't to mention the maple syrup dripping down there chins. They all turned and looked at me grinning like chesar cats of Alice and wonderland, I instantly stopped laughing "What did you guys do".

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