Chapter 22

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I wake up naturally. My wolf is stirring inside me. I feel his energy of excitement buzzing through my body.

I feel it. It's happening. I push the blanket off of me, careful not wake my mate. I quickly get a flashlight.

Izzy is still sleeping beautifully in bed. I sit next her and run the back of my fingers over her soft cheek. I hate to interrupt her sleep, but she's gotta wake up. I shake her shoulder a little.
"Izzy? Sweetheart?" I said softly.

She stirs in her sleep, but doesn't wake up. I sighed... Looks like this will need something a bit more...erratic.

I grab the the blanket and rip it off her body. Izzy's arms are instantly around her knees.

"Come one Sweetheart get up! You don't want to miss this!" I shouted.

She lifts her bed ridden hair and squints her eyes. All she does is look at me without expression. I chuckle when I saw her confused and irritated expression. Not much of a morning person I'm guessing. She looks at the clock next to her, "It's 3:00 AM YOU ASSHOLE! LET ME SLEEP!" She yells.

I wince, but I don't budge. "I'm sorry baby boo, but I can't let you do that. You'll regret missing out on me."

She grabs the covers and pulls them over her head, "Well too bad! I'm going back to sleep!" Her shouting sounded muffled with her being so deeply buried under the mass of blankets.

"Get up before I make you get up Izzy!" I warn.

She doesn't move. In fact, I think I hear her snoring. I stomp towards my mate. I yank the blanket off of her, grab her arm, pull her and lift her over my shoulder.
"XANDER!" She screams. Yup, she's awake.

"Put me down this instant!" She yells.

I ignore her whining and shouting. I walk down the stairs and out the door.
"Put me back in bed Xander! Xander are you listening to me? XANDER!!!"

I crack a smile. Oh my mate. You're going to love me later on.

I walk into the darkness of the forest with my squirming Elizabeth on my shoulder.

"You'll thank me later!" I yelled.

"Like HELL I will!!" She screams.

I keep walking through the dark forest. I can see better in the night than a normal human. My wolf enhances my senses, including sight.

I can see the dark green of the bushes and trees all mixing together.
As we get deeper and deeper, the air of the the forest he's more enclosed together. I see vines twisting and turning around the trees, making arches, kind of like a door way.

I bend down low branches, step over huge logs and climb some stairs.
As we get closer and closer, my wolf gets more and more enthusiastic.

"What is that?" Izzy whispers. I knew she'd feel it at some point

"What's what?" I said trying to seem ignorant. 

"Th-That feeling. My wolf is going crazy over it. XANDER! WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN ME!" She panics.

"Trust me! We're mates aren't we? Just trust me." I said calmly

"It's kind of hard to when kidnap me from my warm bed!" She shouts

"Hush hush mate," I mock.

"Don't you hush-"

"Ssshhh!" I shush. I hear her growl in annoyance, but she crosses her arms in a huff and stays quiet for once.

XANDER (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora