➳Chapter 14➳

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What she wore.

Maybe a few shots would help. No. Netflix. Yes! Netflix! I speed walked towards the elevator and got in until it took me to the penthouse and I quickly got in. I kicked off my heels and picked them up walking towards my room.

I hadn't had lunch and it was nearly 4:00. I sigh and start stripping and showering again.

Once I've finished showering I pull on some ombré VS booty shorts and an ombré VS tee. I stretched and grabbed some food and then lay myself under my fluffy comforters and put on Netflix. Fuck yes.

Bella's POV

It was like 7:00 now. Binge watching. I groaned feeling a little sick from all the food. Oh god, maybe that was too much. I stretched out a bit and slipped out of the comforter and yawned. I walked out of my room and flinched at how bright the lights were. I hissed. "Too bright!" Is this what vampires felt like? It must be.

I heard a knock on the door. I groaned once again. I walked towards the door sluggishly and opened it letting out another yawn. It was another maid from the hotel. She had a bag in her hand and two boxes stacked together. "For you." She said.

I grabbed them off her and thanked her closing the door afterwards. I set down the bags and boxes on the sofa. I glanced at the note stuck on it and read it.

Dear Bella,
I'm sorry for being such an asshole today. You looked very beautiful and I didn't want other people seeing what was mine, especially not Blue. What happened today wasn't your fault and just so you know I used them for you. Their companies are crashing and burning like you wanted. Okay, I went off topic anyway, I bought you all of this shit so get dressed because I'm taking you out. Well actually I'm taking you to a party. A limo will be there by 8:30 and don't ask how I got your

Love, the best person in the world, Dylan.

His handwriting was very nice. Wait, hold up! He thinks this hot body is all of his? As if. I mentally scoff but, this is adorable and very kind of him.

I looked at the Gucci bag and pulled out the box and opened it and pulled off the tissue paper wrapping. I gasped. Fucking hell this was a beautiful dress. My fingers grazed over the black lace and i smiled. Of course he'd buy lace. I looked at the other bag and opened up the box to find some black heels. Dylan has a good taste. A very good taste.

I picked up the dress and another bag that I hadn't looked in yet. I went to my room and started getting myself ready. I put on light makeup... Well I went all out with the contouring and smokey eyes. You can't blame a girl okay! You got to get those cheek bones on fleek!

I danced around to the music whilst I got ready. I made a loose braid on the right side and tucked it into a bun, giving an elegant and classy look.

I pulled on the dress slowly hoping it wouldn't ruin my makeup and hair. It didn't thankfully. I peered into the other bag and found a small box. I opened it up and saw a small diamond pendant on a sliver chained necklace. I gasped. Holy shit. He's went out of his way to do this. I managed to put on the necklace and I smiled touching it softly with my fingers.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies. He did this for me.

I saw a clutch as well and smiled putting my stuff into it. He'd make an amazing boyfriend. I stopped everything. Stop thinking like that! Stop! He's just a player! He's just a boy! Don't fall for his trap.

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