➳Chapter 24➳

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I'll just leave this up here^^😂👅😍


"So you did love him?" Mr. Davies sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He does love you Bella."

"No he doesn't!" I yelled, standing up. "He would never love someone like me."

"Bella." Mr. Davies was making his way to me but I had already ran out. I ran to my car and drove away from the school as fast as possible.

How was I going to hurt Dylan?

Bella's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. The sheets were tangled and scrunched up. I could not fall asleep. My mind kept replaying every moment I had shared with Dylan. My mind would not rest. It was as if it was forcing me to suffer instead of letting me forget whilst sleeping blissfully. I hated myself for that.

I turned to lay on my back and I picked up a pillow from beside me. I banged it against my face. "Why won't you sleep?!" I whisper-yelled at myself.

I let out a quiet cry of frustration that was muffled against the pillow, that was pressed up against my face. I begrudgingly dragged the pillow off my face and picked up my phone to look at the time. 3:00.

I set my phone down and groaned. I rubbed my eyes and lay there for a few minutes. Yes, I just stared at my ceiling out of pure boredom and frustration.

I sighed loudly and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I wiggled my feet into some slippers that lay on the floor and fell back onto my bed. I'm so lazy!

I stood up, swaying slightly and walked towards the balcony. I stopped in front of the mirror to look at my disheveled figure. My bun had come slightly undone and just lay in a mess on top of my head. I pulled my oversized baseball tee on top of my shoulder again as it had slipped.

The diamond on chest glimmered as it reflected light. My fingers brushed against the small pendant. I couldn't bring myself to take this off even after what had happened yesterday.

Even after I sat staring at the roses for more than an hour. Even after I sat crying and thinking about how pathetic I was for falling for his lies. Even after Luke had come in and talked to me.

I couldn't take the necklace off. I didn't know why. I didn't know if it was because maybe that was the only piece of Dylan I would ever have. I didn't know if it was because I still hoped he would love me. I didn't know if it was because I was being a delusional fool.

I really had no idea.

I dropped my hand, away from the necklace and snatched up the letter I had kept on my vanity table. I grabbed the small flashlight next to it and I walked towards the door again. I opened the glass door carefully and shivered slightly feeling the cold summer breeze sweep over my bear legs.

I stepped out closing the door behind me. I sat on one of the chairs outside. It was a new addition that my parents had added without consulting me on whether I'd like it but, never mind because it did come handy.

I opened up the letter carefully and pressed the little button on Thor's hammer. I held the light up on top of the paper and let the light cascade down.

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