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Sitting around the dinner table just like old times I began to miss being at home, my life changed drastically when I met Charlie, I made a jump and moved in with him within months supporting his career just as much as he supported me. Things honestly were great, I found my job in London which introduced me to the girls and saw places ive only ever read about. I suppose when Chloe took a job opportunity in the city centre herself she brought a little home to me, which helped no end with the homesickness.

"How's the office love?" Dad asked.

"Busy, which I suppose is good for the business, but I don't know, I just don't enjoy it as much now. I fancy a change of scenery."

"Oh, I didn't realise you were thinking of leaving."

"I don't know myself, I'm sure it will pass. I've had a solid week of faxing and emails."

Pouring some more gravy on my plate I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"How's your Girlfriend Ryan?" I asked my slightly older brother.

"We're not together anymore, It's a long story," he shrugged.

"The story is too long for us to know as well," Dad frowned.

"Oh, I thought she seemed lovely."

"Apparently not, there's no grandchildren in sight," Mum sighed.

Rolling his eyes Ryan finished his last mouthful and put his cutlery down.

Everyone now finished I helped Mum clear the table and tidy up the kitchen, she always has been a messy cook with her plates and saucepans everywhere. Piling everything into the dishwasher I started to wipe the surfaces whilst she re-set the table, standing alone I'm now thinking about Aston. I do feel bad letting him travel down to Essex for nothing, and I hate the fact of him in the hotel room alone, but I'm still so bitter about last night. He doesn't give a damn about ditching me and buggering off with one of my so-called mates, instead he lied his way through the car journey making out he was home a little after me. Neighbours my arse.

"So where are you staying tonight?" Mum asked joining me again.

"There's a hotel just up the road."

"Is it okay? You know I'd love for you to stay here but your room was empty for so long."

"It's fine, the hotels lovely. I'm glad you've made use of it."

"It was that brother of yours, he's started this fitness program."

"Ryan, fitness?" I laughed.

"Exactly. He's got all sorts of equipment in there but I've only ever seen him use them twice. Dad wants it for a study, but Ryan insists he uses it."

"How he was piling in them Yorkshire puddings he doesn't use it."

"Its been great having you home love, make sure you find time to come more often," she smiled.

"I've loved it, and I will. Especially now Charlie's away."

"Hmm, I always did wonder if he had any part in these excuses."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Don't apologise, just sort things out before you get hurt."

"I will, I am. It's complicated Mum."

"I've heard that before," she giggled.

"Thank you for dinner."


Ending the most loveliest day with a glass of wine on the couch I lost track of time due to all the catching up we still have to do. Ryan and Mollie upstairs shut in their bedrooms its just me, Mum and Dad, so I decided to say my goodbyes.

Whilst the boyfriends awayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora