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The conversation we just shared with JJ has definitely effected the atmosphere in this car, Aston looks as if he wants to go home but as we set off he drove in the opposite direction.

"How do you do it?" Aston asked keeping his eyes fixed to the road ahead.

"Do what?" I replied.

"Stay so calm about this whole situation."

"I understand why you're angry Aston but it won't solve anything."

"He has no right to go around telling everyone he's going to be a Dad when that baby could be mine," he moaned.

"No, I know he doesn't."

"See, you're calm now. Charlie's even told Louis that he's making plans for the baby, if he thinks for one second he can play happy families with you he's got another thing coming."

"Aston you know what Charlie is like, it's just words. This is my baby and that's something he can't change and whether you're the father or not we will be the ones playing happy families."

"Hm, I'm sure he will see to that," Aston muttered.

"Well like JJ said, he's lost all his rights after what he's done," I replied.

"He would have if the police were aware."

I sighed looking out of the window. I thought I'd convinced Aston not to get the police involved, but obviously not. After the miscarriage the last thing I wanted to do was spend hours being questioned by the police and without any witness' what evidence do we have? It couldn't face it at the time and it's too late now.

"I know it's not what you want babes, but I hate the thought of him getting away with killing your baby," Aston said.

"Do you think I don't?" I frowned.

"No, of course not. I just wish you would let me call the police."

"It's too late Aston, we need to move on."

"Right," he mumbled. "Do you want to go home now?" he said taking the next left.

"No, I want to go shopping," I replied.




"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure," he nodded.

"I want to take my mind off all the negative things about this pregnancy, we're supposed to be excited," I said.

"I am excited babe, there's just one negative thought that keeps running through my mind, you know."

"I know."

He parked up in a local car park and we walked along the street hand in hand to Mothercare, this is the first time I've shopped for the baby, I haven't even looked online. I stepped inside first and was automatically attracted to the pretty pink dresses, it's amazing how much variety there is.

"Shouldn't you be looking at neutral colours?" Aston asked.

"I will in a minute."

He picked up a pale pink polka dot dress with a cute little hat to match and smiled.

"I'm going to be terrible if we have a girl."

"I can imagine," he giggled.

"Come on, this is too tempting," I said walking further around the shop.

"What about some sleep suits?" Aston asked picking up a pack of three, all a nice cream colour.

"They're cute, I like these," I replied tracing my thumb over a farm yard animal embroidered on each one.

Whilst the boyfriends awayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang