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I was woken the following morning by the sun shining through a gap left in the drawn curtains, small but big enough a bright beam shone directly in my face. I turned over burying my head into Aston's chest welcoming his arms around my body, feeling the palm of his right hand on my bum.

"Good morning," he murmured.

"Morning," I smiled.

"How are you feeling?"


"No sickness this morning then?"

"Shh, you'll jinx it for me."

He chuckled twirling a single strand of my hair around his finger.

"I still think you should go to the doctors though babe, just to check how your body is recovering," he said.

"I'll call them this morning to see if they have an appointment," I replied.

"I can do that whilst you have your bath."

"I'm having a bath?" I frowned.

"I thought you might like one now you've stopped bleeding."

"I'd love one."

He smiled reaching out to the bedside table for his phone. It's seven-thirty and he's already got messages waiting to be read.

"Oh, news travels fast," he muttered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's JJ, he's asked me if the rumours are true. Are we together and has Charlie put me in hospital?"

"How does he know that? He doesn't know Charlie," I stuttered jumping up to face him.

"No but Kelly knows now and you said yourself what a mouth she has, it was bound to happen babe."

"But nobody should know about the trip to the hospital, Chloe wouldn't breathe a word."

"I should say he means the fighting that's all."

"Do you think?"

"Yeah," he nodded reassuring me.

Up and about by half past eight I sat at the dining table finishing my breakfast in my pyjamas whilst everyone else scurried off to work. Steve leaves at stupid o'clock in the morning but Siobhan, Courtney and Conor all have a nice nine till five job just like me. Charlie never had a taste of the real world so he wouldn't know that its normality.

"See you later Kayleigh," Conor smiled being the last one to leave. He closed the door behind himself and shut out the cold, damp and miserable day.

"One hot, steamy, Jo Malone scented bath ready and waiting for you," Aston said hopping down the stairs.

"Have you used your Mum's bath oils?"

"I won't tell her if you won't," he smirked.

I giggled sipping the last of my tea as he walked over. He picked up my empty plate and mug clearing away the table for me.

"Thank you," I said pecking his lips gently.

"You're welcome."

I made my way upstairs and left Aston downstairs to arrange my doctor's appointment, if I know him as well as I think I do he will accept any time slot they have just so I'm seen and checked over. It probably is for the best though. As I opened the bathroom door the hot seam smothered me smelling sweet of the pomegranate scented oil, its expensive and Siobhan's favourite so Aston needs to hope she doesn't find out, no doubt he was heavy-handed too. I undressed and slipped under the bubbles. I laid my head back and groaned as I felt my tense body ease in the hot water. I've been off work nearly two weeks now, I think I could manage physically but emotionally is a different matter, I know I'd break down having to face Kelly and a bunch of questions so soon after the miscarriage. Aston's also been calling in sick which by no surprise his boss isn't pleased about, but if we're thinking about moving to Essex it won't matter so much.

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