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The rest of the afternoon was awkward to say the least, doing more chores in the house than I have done all week just to keep myself occupied I now have no choice to sit down with them in the living room. Aston in control of the remote as he lays spread across one couch, Charlie is making himself look busy on the laptop, feeling rather agitated.

"Are you not going out tonight?" he asked Aston.

"I hadn't thought about it, why,?"

He shrugged.

"Is that your way of asking me to leave you two alone?" Aston asked.

"I was just asking."

"Well I don't go out as much now do I babe?"

"No, we've put a movie on," I smiled.

"What, every weekend?" Charlie frowned.


He grunted putting his laptop to one side.

"Alright, I'll take the hint. I'll call JJ or something," Aston sighed getting up from of the couch searching for his phone.

"Aston.." I called.

"No, I havent seen you in ages," Charlie smiled.

"That's nobodies fault but your own," Aston muttered disappearing into the bedroom.

I do feel bad, but in a way I want to get this conversation that's brewing with Charlie out of the way.

Considering its the end of the week and the cupboards are due to be re-stocked I made use of whats left and came up with a pasta dish for dinner. It's weird seeing Aston and Charlie so different together, there's no close friendship like there used to be. I had a feeling he would hold a grudge against Charlie for the way he's treated me. Over an hour later and wafting a scent of his usual aftershave into the living room Aston stepped out in a sharp shirt and beige chinos. I don't know if he wants to go out tonight but I can't help but feel like I have had an impact on his social life.

"Do you want some pasta before you go Aston?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm not hungry at the minute."

"Oh, well I'll save you some for later."

"Thanks," he said walking over for his car keys.

Smiling weakly I mouthed "sorry," but all I got was a shrug.

"I'll catch you later," he said leaving in a flash, slamming the door shut tight behind himself.

"I don't know what his problem is," Charlie muttered.

"The way you've been home five minutes and have already sent him away might have something to do with it."

"I just wanted it to be us tonight, whats the harm in that?"

"Hmm," I sighed sharing out some pasta in two bowls and put the rest in the oven.

"I'll clear the air with him tomorrow."

Sitting his bowl down on the coffee table I sat at a distance from him with my feet up, picking up the remote from where Aston left it to find something watch, or at least have on in the background.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Fine, I've had no choice but to get on with my life have I?"

"It was hard for me too you know, I've missed you like crazy."

"I did ask you to come home weeks ago."

"It was complicated back then."

"But nothings changed."

"Come on babe," he pleaded. "I'm home now aren't I? I've come back for you."

"What, and I'm supposed to fall at your feet am I?"

"I didn't expect it to be plain sailing, no."

"I've told you how I feel many of times. I can't be with someone who thinks more of their job than their girlfriend, and don't say you don't because you've proven you do."

"Okay, I admit that my decision was wrong, but I know that now. It was stupid of me."

"The only reason you're back now is because I was the one to get in contact."

"No, I've thought of you everyday. I've realised just how much I love you and how I can't live without you."

"It's just words Charlie."

"It's not, I promise."

"I've given up on promises, I've been hurt too many times after relying on them. That's the one thing that used to get me through these trips away, your promises at the end, but not anymore."

"I always kept to them, we had our weekends together didn't we? I brought you gifts."

"But this time you couldn't even keep one as simple as how long you're away for could you?"

"I didn't know we would be more than the two weeks, it was never official so I never mentioned it."

"But you had an idea?"

"It came up in a meeting once, a possibility," he shrugged.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Your job really has ruined our relationship," I sighed.

Deep down he knows it too, it's been breaking us apart bit by bit and he's done nothing about it until now, but why now? His dinner now going cold on the arm of the couch I started to dance my pasta around the bowl lost in thoughts. I didn't expect the conversation to be this deep.

"I need a glass of wine," I said getting up. "Do you want one?"

"No, I'm not drinking."

"Since when?"

He shook his head picking up his bowl again.


"I've taken some pills, I can't."

"One glass of wine isn't going to react with some paracetamol you've taken for jet lag."

"They're not just paracetamol babe. I'm on medication from my doctor, I'm not too great at the moment."


"I've been having chest pains."

"Chest pains?" I stuttered.

"I've been put on sick so I can get things checked out, I could have stayed out there, I mean the doctors are great, but I wanted to be with you just incase."

"But, what do you mean just in case?"

"It might be my heart, I've got to book some appointments Monday morning."

"Oh my god," I mumbled.

"I didn't want to worry you if there's no need, I was going to wait until I've seen my GP and then tell you."

"So that's why you're home?"

"To be with you, yeah."

"The house?"

"It's already sorted."

"I don't know what to say."

"It probably is nothing," he smiled weakly.

Still in shock I sat back down guzzling my wine trying to take everything in. I knew there was more to this visit home but I would never have guessed in a million years it's because he's ill, I can't believe what I've just been told. What if he has got heart problems? I'm supposed to be moving out with Aston in a few weeks, now what do I do?


So, what do you all think to Charlie's reasons for being home?

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