Alpha's Babies - 7

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At breakfast, Maya still didn't question me even though I could tell she was dying to find out what happened.
She kept glancing up at me when she served the twins and her daughter cereal.
I bit my lip and just stared out of the window.
I felt like a full on bad luck charm and it felt like Colten was on the verge of rejecting me.
"Mommy, look!"Caden said. "That's nice, honey," I said, not even looking back at him.

Iturned around sharply "Caden, just shut up a minute, will you?" I snapped angrily.
Caden looked shocked and recoiled in his seat. Maya gasped "Ray? What's up with you? What happened?"
I sighed "Why didn't Tara tell the Colten?" I asked wearily.
Maya frowned. "She did. I saw her speaking to him yesterday after you left. I'm sure she told him."

I gazed at her "No, she didn't. Or else Colten wouldn't have carried on saying that the twins were Derek's!"
As if on cue, Tara sauntered in, stretching.
"Good mornin' everybody!" she said brightly.
I stood up. She froze.
"What exactly did you tell Colten?" I asked, folding my arms.
"Ray! Y-you're back early!" she stammered.
I clenched my teeth. "What. Did. You. Tell. Him?"

Her cat-like eyes darted around guiltily. "Nothing - I -"
I felt the need to shift right then and pound her.
"Tara, what did you do?" Maya asked standing up slowly.
Tara's green eyes darted from me to Maya but then she regained her posture and didn't look as guilty.
"I told him," she shrugged.
I unfolded my arms and clenched my fists instead.

"What exactly did you tell him?"
"Well...I said that the kids were Derek's..."
"Tara!" I yelled furiously.
"No, no, no! Listen, I was joking about with him! Before I could tell him the truth, he kinda just stormed off!"
She said, looking guilty again.
I let out a frustrated grunt and held my head in my hands as if I was about to fall apart any second now.

"I need to see him," I said shaking my head. "This has gone too far, I need to sort this out,"
Maya bit her lip "You need an appointment to see him,"
I flipped my hair back. "I'm his mate, he's gonna let me in whether he wants to or not!"
I picked Corbin up and took Caden by the hand.
"I'm gonna show him that these are his children and that's final."

Maya looked like she wanted to object.
Tara held up her hand "She's technically the Luna. You can't stop her,"
I glared at her "This doesn't mean that we're on good terms. You made all of this worse!"
I took the boys outside with me.
"Where we going?" Caden asked, struggling to catch up to my angry strides.

I didn't answer him. I was tired. Tired of virtually everything, I'd been held captive by my own brother and hated by my own mate.
Can't life give me a break?!
I marched straight into the Pack House and right down the hallway where Colten's office was.
As soon as I got there, the door opened and he came out and closed the door behind him. But then he looked up and saw me and the twins and his face became hard and stern.
I put Corbin down next to Caden but he shyed away behind my legs. "I need to speak to you," I said in a loud clear voice.
Colten looked at the boys for a second before he glanced back up at me. "There's nothing to say, just go," he shrugged.

"Listen to me. I know so far you hate my guts but I just need to clear things out with you," I said as bravely as I could.
Colten shook his head and put his palms up "Look, I don't want to know,"
"But just listen!"
Colten looked angry now. "Why should I listen to anything you've got to say? You've got kids and a oh so brilliant boyfriend, what more do you want?" he spat. I could tell he as super jealous which made him just that little bit more hot.

Corbin whimpered behind me, grabbing on tight to my leg. Caden, was looking up at Colten in awe.
"I want you to listen to me, please!"
I begged.
In two strides, Colten was in front of me so that we were nose to nose.
Well, more like nose to chest.
He smelt absolutely devine and I almost forgot why I was here in the first place.

He looked down at me, his eyes flashed yellow.
"You're the one that messed this up for the both of us! You're -"
He never got to finish his sentence because because I'd grabbed his face and pulled it close to mine and pressed my lips against his before he could pull away.

It reminded me of my 18th birthday. Not the bad part of it, but the amazing part where I'd met Colten...
His hands gently wrapped around my waist and he pulled me in even more like he didn't want to let go at all. Not that I was complaining.
I felt all these sparks and butterflies around us and I even forgot that the twins were there.
Colten pulled away so gently and then rubbed his nose against mine.
"Why did you do this to us, baby?" he whispered. He said it with so much hurt and pain that I felt it too.

I looked down and grabbed hold of him tight, getting goosebumps.
I swallowed "Colten...these kids..." I said shakily, looking at Caden and Corbin who weren't even paying the slightest attention to us and were lost in their own twin world.

Colten looked at them too "They don't look like Derek at all," he said.
I rubbed my own nose against his masculine neck. "That's because they look like you," I whispered right in his ear.
His whole body stiffened up completely.
"W-what?" He said, his eyes widened and he stumbled back suddenly and tripped over himself, landing on his backside with a thump. I had to resit the urge to laugh.

"Raiven, where are you?" I heard someone shout.

I pulled a face at Derek's voice.
Colten was looking at the boys not even noticing Derek's voice. Too stunned for words, his bright blue eyes were wide and he started breathing heavily as he sat still on the floor.
I took hold of the twins' hands.
"Alright, guys. Say bye now," I said, still trying not to laugh.
Caden waved his hand "Bye-bye!"
Corbin waved his shyly too.
Colten gave them each a weak wave, barely even moving his hand but he didn't say anything. He just blinked a lot and when I looked closer, I saw he had tears threatening to spill over.

I smiled at him. "Be right back, I have some breaking up to do," I said happily.
I couldn't believe that this oh so powerful alpha was reduced to falling over and about to burst in tears.
Colten almost didn't answer me. He shook his head clear and swallowed forcefully.
"Uh...yeah. I-I'll be here, then." he said in barely a whisper. His eyes still fixed on the twins.
I nearly laughed of happiness. For once - it was going to be okay.

"Look, it's not Derek I want, it's you,"
But somehow I don't think he heard me.
He was sat on the floor only propped up by his hand which lay flat on the ground, his long legs sprawled all over the place as if he was about to curl up in a ball at any moment.
Tears were dripping down slowly down his cheeks. He wasn't even looking at the twins anymore, just into space. A genuine stunned look on his face and his chest heaved heavily, his Adam's apple bobbing uncontrollably.

I'll hug him right after I break up Derek.
I left with the twins quickly before I stayed there and kissed him all over again. My lips still tingled from that.
"Mommy, where daddy Derek?" Caden asked.
"Derek, is in the kitchen, darling," I said, barely holding in my excitement.
I'd never been this happy to break up with someone before.

I took them into the kitchen where he was sat on a stool on the kitchen island. He hadn't even bothered to shave but as attractive as he was, I still thought Colten was hotter.
Derek looked up and smiled wearily. He pushed a cup of hot chocolate towards me and then held his hands out the boys.
They both ran happily to him and climbed onto his lap.
"Daddy!" Corbin said. I pressed my lips together not wanting to say anything.

I don't know why he'd suddenly changed his mind on accepting the kids again.
Derek held out his cheek for me to kiss.
I pressed two fingers against my still tingling lips and then pressed my fingers on his cheek and smiled at him. He raised an eyebrow as I took a seat.
"Derek, look, I'm gonna come right out and say it. It's over. Remember I said we'd talk when I got back? Well, yeah,"

Derek's grip on the boys tightened and then loosened. Corbin was messing about with Derek's necklace while Caden played with his bracelet I'd given him last Christmas.
They looked so happy and innocent, but I'd rather see them in Colten's arms.
"Why, Ray? Because of the Alpha?"

I held the warm cup of cocoa tight in my hands and looked down. "Pretty much." I mumbled.
Derek sighed. "Well, if that's your decision the...I can't stop you." he said sincerely. I was so happy he hadn't made it a messy break up.
Derek nodded. "Look. Lets just drink our hot chocolates in memory of the first time we saw each other two years ago," he said raising his cup.
I raised mine too and we clinked cups.

Derek drank some and gave some tithe twins as well. I smiled and took a large gulp of mine.
It was after several more gulps that I started to feel a bit faint and dizzy.
"What's happening?" I asked. But my speech was slurred.
Derek just sat there staring at me.
I held out my hand to show him I needed help because my head felt like it was too big for my own body.

"Colten..." I slurred again.
Finally, my eyes rolled back and my head weight pulled me down.
For the second time in just two days, I'd been drugged.
But I didn't think this was to knock me unconscious.
I felt different, a tingling sensation like

I was falling madly and deeply in love with someone but all I knew was that that someone was definitely not my mate...

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