Alpha's Babies - 12

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"Raiven, c'mon, hurry up!" Colten yelled over his shoulder. Everyone else was already pretty far ahead, Colten had Caden under his arm and Kory, still in his wolf form, had Corbin between his teeth even though Corbin was still thrashing around violently to be put down.
"Aren't you forgetting that I'm human now?" I yelled breathlessly. Then I yelped as I collapsed on the floor with a stitch. I thought that stitches were a myth.

Colten let out a groan of frustration as he ran on. But then he signalled at Kory to stop. Colten placed Caden on Kory's back.
"Here, tell everyone to use their wolf speed to get out of the forest. I'll catch up."
Kory nodded dutifully. Colten then looked at Caden "You hang on tight, yeah?"
Caden nodded happily, clutching Kory's fur and kicked his legs, "Giddy up!"

In a flash, Kory has disappeared down into the forest before I even got to kiss the twins goodbye. Colten came back to me and then reached down to where I was on the floor. One hand scooped behind my knees and the other on my back. In one movement, I was in his strong arms, looking up at his handsome face. Goodness knows how long I've waited for this moment.
It took me back to that first night, his hands so strong yet so soft.

"Hey, you mind not drooling all over my tshirt?" he said suddenly, raising his eyebrows. I closed my mouth and snapped out of my daydream. He did look slightly pleased that I was so intrigued by him.
I looked up at the dark sky. "We need to get a move on before the moon comes up." I said unnecessarily. He rolled his eyes "No freakin' way."

Before I even had time to hang on properly to him, he took off at neck-breaking speed. There was only the alarming woosh of the wind that clogged up my ears and made my hair whip around violently as the trees just turned into green and brown blurs in front of me. I clutched so hard to Colten's tshirt, I think that I dug my nails into his skin a little too hard. But there was no time to apologise.
Before I knew it he was slowing down, even though I kinda wished he'd keep running with me forever. He came to an abrupt, it was so sudden he almost dropped me.
I looked around and we were stood on the very edge of a grassy cliff top. The cliff pointed outI could see the long drop down into the forest.

I shuddered and then clambered down from Colten. Maya, Tara, Nick and Kory all looked exhausted.
"Will you two hurry up and get this over and done with? Corbin's driving us all mental," Tara said pressing the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically. At the sound of his name, Corbin snarled at her, his tiny teeth bared aggressively. Kory still had Corbin's neck locked between his teeth.
Tara jumped and stepped back warily "Yeesh, anyone got an iron muzzle for this pup?" she said.
Colten glared at her and then stepped forward so that if he took another step, he'd be freefalling down about 60ft with only branches, leaves and thorns to break his fall.

I shook my head clear of this image quickly.
Colten gazed up at the moon that was starting to form in the evening sky.
"Okay, we need to do this properly and quickly. Kory, Nick, I need you guys to be a lookout for Derek and his little posse. Tara you'll look after Caden while we're trying to get Raiven back to human and Maya, you have the most important one, you're gonna have to hold up Corbin -"
Maya shook her head and held her hands up in surrender "No, Alpha, I'm sorry but he's gonna end up biting my head off if I dare touch him!"

Colten's brow furrowed deeply. "You'll do as I say." he said sternly. Maya swallowed and nodded.
"Okay," she replied in a tiny voice.
"Colten! Stop scaring everyone!" I said hitting his arm. He grabbed hold of my wrist tightly and stared into my eyes. "Do you want Derek and the other one to catch up to us?" he growled at me.
I wrenched my hand away from his
"That 'other one' is my brother -!"
"Oh, right yeah, the one who locked you up so many times and then turned you human?"
Everyone stayed deathly silent, wondering what I was going to say next.

I couldn't say anything because he was right. Nick came over and put his hands on my shoulders "We should probably get started." he said quietly, avoiding eye contact with Colten. I let Nick drag me away and stand at the edge of the cliff. I hugged myself tight and stared up at the sky. How on earth could I have ended up here?
How can meeting one guy change your life so dramatically - and for the worst?

I caught Colten glaring at me, his jaw clenched, probably knowing what I was thinking. I shook my head clear of all thoughts in case I made things worse between us.
"Uh, Alpha?" Tara said nervously. We all turned to look at her. Tara pointed a shaky hand to Corbin.
His eyes glowed viciously and his tiny furry body thrashed around violently so that Kory had a difficult time keeping him in place and looked at us with pleading eyes.
"Alpha! Do something!" Maya said desperately.

Colten stood there for a moment helpless but then he regained confidence and took one stride and was in front of Kory and Corbin. He reached down and grabbed Corbin with both hands and picked him up. Corbin snarled and lashed out a paw violently, there was a horrifying sound as we saw an angry red cut open up on Colten's face. Blood dropped from the top of his eyebrow to just below his ear.
We all gasped but Colten's face hardened and gripped Corbin tighter.

"Hey!" he yelled at him so that we all jumped slightly. "Enough now!"
Extraordinarily, Corbin stopped growling and snapping and lowered his head, whimpering with his tail between his legs.
Once Colten was sure that Corbin wasn't gonna all violent again, he put him on the floor.
"Sit." Colten ordered.
Corning obediently sat down, his head still lowered.

I was a little annoyed at the way Colten spoke to him and Colten saw that but he didn't apologise and wiped the blood from the wound carelessly.
Caden stepped forward a little and looked wary of Corbin. "Corbin? Are you okay?" Caden asked. Corbin looked up, seeming to recognise him and opened his mouth so that his tongue lolled out and his tail wagged.
Caden reached out and patted his head nervously. Corbin stood up and jumped, licking Caden's hand.

We all, apart from Colten, found this adorable.
"Can we get on with it now?" Colten asked, his face was thunderous. His moods went on and off like a light switch. One minute he's happily carrying me through the woods and the next he looks like he wants set the whole world on fire.
We all exchanged glances but didn't say anything. Tara nodded and went to go pick Caden up, much to his protest. Maya, reluctantly, went and got Corbin while Nick and Kory hung back near the trees. Colten looked up again at the sky, the moon was getting clearer and brighter now. I gulped but he took no notice and pushed me forward towards the mouth of the cliff.

His breath was hot against my neck as he stood behind me, his fingers crawling up the back of my shirt. I squirmed and giggled.
"Will you stop that?"
"It tickles!"
"So what? Keep still."
I stayed stock still after that. I felt his claws push out slowly from his fingernails and I felt uneasy as I remembered how those same claws had tore apart a car and slashed Derek's thigh.
"Bring the kid." Colten said over his shoulder.
"It's Corbin," i corrected him but I don't think he was even listening.

I heard the slow footsteps of Maya and Corbin snuffling in her arms.
She stopped right behind me.
"It's gonna be okay." she reassured me.
I closed my eyes and nodded. But somehow I needed to hear that from Colten. Like really badly.
There was more shuffling as they got ready to basically dig four Alpha claws into my bloodstream.
"Alright," Colten said quietly "You ready?"
"No," I whimpered, screwing my eyes shut.

"Colten!" Nick suddenly yelled.
"What?" He snapped back.
"It's Derek and Kale! They're close!"
Colten swore under his breath but then got closer to me.
"Okay, no time to lose, alright Maya?" he said. She shuffled closer to me with Corbin in her hands.
"Okay. On three," Colten said hurriedly.


I whimpered slightly.


I covered my face with my hands.

"Th -"

"Get away from my sister!" Kale's voice sounded. We all turned and sure enough he was stood there with a murderous expression. Behind him was Derek limping slightly and Zach just looking like one of those unnamed background characters that are just like a prop.
Nick and Kale were on their toes, wary of any movement.
Colten looked aggravated. Even more so than usual.

"Touch her and you'll be sorry." Kale said. Derek kept his mouth shut, keeping his eyes on Colten at all times , obliviously learning his lesson from last time. Colten let out a low growl, his eyes flashed to a startling yellow colour and his fangs grew longer menacingly.
He looked at Maya.


I don't know what on earth happened then. Everything just went blurry as the pain from four extremely sharp claws dug right into my flesh. I let out this ear-splitting scream that seemed to be coming from my soul rather than my lungs. I could hear my own blood rushing around at an alarming speed.
"Argh! Stop, stop!" I shrieked. Maya mumbled some apologises behind me but Colten didn't say a word.

But suddenly, above my dreadful noise, I heard Kale curse out at Colten violently.
This made Colten dig in deeper, I almost turned around and slapped hims square in the face.
"Please! Stop! Ow! Colten! That's enough! Please!" I was sobbing by now, this was worse than child birth and that was already bad enough!
I could hear Corbin whimpering behind me and Caden crying somewhere. I'm pretty sure normal three-year olds shouldn't have to go through this.

"Get your filthy claws off of her!" Kale yelled from somewhere behind.
"It's for her own good!" Colten yelled back.
"I said... get... your claws... off of her, now!"
His voice had gotten deeper and we all knew what that meant. Shifting time.
I struggled with having to bear the suffering and trying to get Kale to back off. But tears blurred my vision completely and my heart and blood thudded hard against my body.

There was a horrific growl and then the rapid approach of paws.
"Alpha! Look out!"
But I guess it was too late for that, Kale's dark grey wolf lunged forward, paws outstretched and took Colten down, nearly ripping all the skin off from my back - which it didn't thankfully, but I know for a fact I'm gonna be scarred for life.

Maya pulled Corbin away from me quickly and soon as his little claws slid out, I collapsed to the floor on my front, in excruciating pain. Maya gave Corbin to Tara and knelt beside me. My eyes started drooping heavily.
"Did it work?" I said raspily.
Her hand hovered over my back. "I-I don't know, honey."
I moaned as my back stung horrifically.
We both looked up at the same moment to see Kale in his wolf form and Colten with his bloody claws, circling each other menacingly, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Nick and Kory stood on guard, waiting to jump to in. Derek and Zach didn't really look like they wanted to get involved in the slightest.
"He'll be fine. We have to get you and the boys out of here right now."
"But...I'm scared he's gonna get hurt," I struggled to say.
Maya looked at me carefully and pushed my hair back slightly.
"Who? Colten or Kale?"
The question took me by surprise because...i couldn't answer. I didn't know wether I cared more about my brother or my mate.

Maya raised an eyebrow at my hesitation. "This is gonna be a problem." she muttered.
I shifted around on my belly painfully and awkwardly. I turned back to the guys who were still growling around each other.
Kale bared his teeth menacingly at Colten.
He only smirked back "What your bark's worse than your bite, kiddo?"
Uh-oh. Kale can't stand taunts on little bit.

Kale lowered himself, in one push he leapt up and head butted Colten but he managed to grab hold of Kale's head and that meant that they both fell over...right over the the cliff and down the 60ft drop down to oblivion.
They both disappeared down.

Maya and Tara screamed, the guys gasped but I had no scream or gasps left in me anymore. I ignored the pain in my back and just let out a sigh, shutting my eyes.
I didn't know who I wanted to see alive anymore. Maybe it was the pain talking but...I didn't care anymore.

A/N: Hey guys! Happy new year! I really struggled to get this done before the new year but here it is, hopefully it's good but once again I'm really really sorry for leaving you guys hanging. Have a good day but don't get drunk 'cos then you won't be able to read the story properly :D ahaha

However; New Year, New Stories ;)
Thanks again for all the love and support xoxo

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