Alpha's Babies - 17

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I got out of bed slowly, trying not to wake up Raiven and the boys. Caden slept with his arms wound tightly around his mother while Corbin was sprawled all over my chest.
I smiled then. If I'm honest, I didn't really think much of the twins at first but now I loved them like they've been in my life forever- which they should have been.

I tried to ease out from under Corbin but his little hands seem permanently attached to me. I slipped as carefully as I could otherwise I wouldn't get any work done whatsoever.
I stood up and Corbin sat up and rubbed his eyes then smiled up at me.
"Hello," he said.

I couldn't help but smile back at him, his own smile melted my heart.
"Hey, little man -"
"Shhh! Mommy and Cay are sleeping!" he whispered, putting his tiny finger to his lips.
"Oh, right yeah." I laughed quietly.

I turned to go to the bathroom but he followed me.
"Corbin, go back to bed,"
He shook his head and held onto my hand.
"I don't want to,"
"Please? I need to get some work done."
I picked him up and placed him back on the bed. He looked stunned for a moment and then his little face started to crumple.

"No, no, no, don't cry, please don't cry," I panicked. I didn't have a clue on how to sooth toddlers. "Corbin don't cry," I begged him. Tears had already formed around his blue eyes and were threatening to spill over.
"Okay, fine, you can come," I said picking him up again.

As if by magic, the tears retreated and he smiled again. "Okay!"
I laughed and ruffled his hair. I wish that both the twins were like this.

I brought Corbin downstairs, both of us still in our pyjamas and being the good father I learnt to be, I heated some milk in Corbin's sippy cup and gave it to him then sat him on my lap in my office.

He pulled out some paper and a pen and started drawing aimless circles.
I, on the other hand, had some serious business to do. I had to highlight the prisoners who could now be free and were less dangerous than the rest.

As much as I hated to admit it, Derek and Zach were free to go. Those two were about as tough as porridge that's been revomited several times.
I had to let them go, despite how they almost ruined my family. Well, it was mostly Raiven's fault but I try to overlook that.

When I got down to Kale's name, I highlighted his name in red and then went back over it several times. There was no way he's gonna be leaving anytime soon. Cell 505 was gonna be his home for the foreseeable future. I highlighted his name one more time for good luck.

Corbin squirmed suddenly on my lap.
I looked at him "What's up, buddy?"
"Pee!" he yelled and leapt off my lap, his legs crossed. I jumped up and led him over to my own bathroom but the door was locked and the key was all the way across the otherside of the room.

I used my wolf speed to dash over there and bring it back. There was around six different keys that I didn't have a clue which was which.
Corbin hopped from one foot to the other.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying," I said worriedly as I fumbled with key after key.

I couldn't believe this was what parents have to go through.
I finally got the right key and Corbin dashed inside just about making it.
I sighed with relief, feeling proud of myself.
The door to my office opened and Caden's head popped around the door, his hair still stuck up from sleeping.

He walked and looked around the room before fixing his eyes on me. "Where's Corbin?" he demanded.
"Well, good morning to you too," I muttered. Caden repeated his question louder this time as if I was deaf or stupid. Or maybe both.

"He's coming, okay?"
Caden narrowed his eyes at me, his brow seemed permanent furrowed.
We heard the toilet flush and Corbin came out, pulling up his little pants as he walked.

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