Alpha's Babies - 18

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"That's my brother!" I yelled at Colten when he'd calmly brought me to his office.
"Your brother is a criminal! The whole pack is on lock down because of him!"
"Can't you keep him back in that cell?"
"Yeah and look where that got us, Raiven!"
"But- but -" I said defeated.
"I'm sorry, but it's for the best. This guy nearly had you and the boys killed. What else could he do?"

He was right and boy did I know he was right. But I didn't know how I was going to handle my own mate killing my brother.
"Isn't there another way?" I said desperately. "Send him away or something?"
Colten looked at me pityingly "It's not that easy, he'll come back to terrorise us again,"
"But you can't kill him! I won't let you!"

Colten looked worried and reached out and then hugged me close to his hard chest. Then he dropped a kiss ontop of my hair which sent a shiver down my spine.
"I'm sorry, honey," he murmured. "I'm really sorry but it's hard to choose between the safety of my pack and your emotions. You understand?"

I clasped my hands around his body and nodded. "It's bad enough that you're a rival Alpha to my pack but if they find out what you did, they'll hate even more for it,"

His grip on me loosened.
I nodded and pulled him back towards me. How long had it been since I'd been in the arms of my own mate? Too long.
I snuggled right into him and then closed my eyes. I felt his heartbeat pick up dramatically and then he pulled away slightly.

"Raiven, I really have to -"
"Just for a minute," I mumbled into him. I really didn't want to let him go.
He suddenly cupped my cheeks and lifted them up so I was gazing up at him.
His blue eyes sparkled and then he smiled a little.

"I love you," he said but it was like he struggled as little and then looked shocked as if he couldn't believe that he'd been affectionate for the first time in his life.
That caught me off guard. Did he really? After all that bull crap I pulled him through, he can actually stand there and sincerely say that he loved me?

I loved him too of course but now I was certain that neither Derek or Zach could ever have loved me like Colten did.
"I really do, Raiven. You've made my life hell since we met up again but I wouldn't have it any other way,"

I put my head back on his chest "I love you too," I whispered. Too choked up to say it properly."But you have to say it to the twins too though,"
He stiffened a little.
"It's harder to say it to little kids!"
"You'll be fine, now go and save your pack, Alpha,"
He smiled and then kissed my forehead then left swiftly.

Not a moment passed before Caden's head popped around the door, his cheeks stained with tears.
"Come here, baby," I said and he ran right into my arms. I held his little warm body to me and kissed his head.
"You okay?" I asked.

"No," He mumbled as he rubbed his wet eyes.
"It's not fair,"
"What isn't fair?"
"Daddy likes Corby,"
"Oh, honey, he loves you too. A lot,"
"More than ice cream?" he gasped, his blue eyes wide.

I laughed and kissed his nose.
"More than ice cream," I repeated. "Now, come on let's go upstairs and you can play with your new toys, yeah?"
He nodded, all his tears suddenly vanished.
We got Corbin and then went all the way to Colten's room.

"Boys! Stop running, you'll hurt yourselves - Caden! Don't you dare push your brother!" I yelled as we went up the stairs.
They were giggling and bounding up the stairs on all fours, racing each other.
"I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win!" Corbin yelled.
"No, I am!" Caden yelled back.

Corbin looked distressed and looked back at me, his bottom lip pushed out, a piece of his curled hair hung over his eye sweetly.
"Mommy? Whose gonna win?" he asked, blinking his wet eyes at me, in hopes that I would say his name.

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