Chapter Eight (8) Part 1....

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Tyler's p.o.v

Stretching my arms to their full length while letting a yawn roll out of my mouth. I rolled over on the couch laying on something kind of comfortable.

Prying my sleepy eyes open, a blurred face was laying beneath me.


"Shit Owen," I yawned, "Forgot you were there" I groaned laying lightly back down on his chest, hes like could be a human pillow. He now groaned stretching himself out, each of his arms going on either side of us, getting a few cracks then limping back down.

Yes, I feel like a creeper right now... Why? Because Im just staring at Owens perfect little face he looked so cute, so cant blame me; his mouth opened and he yawned into his hands opening and closing his eyes, his hair sticking to the sides of his face and his neck.

Was it that hot ?

Tapping on my shoulder kicked me out of my phase and Owen starred at me confused. You know the 'What the hell are you looking at' face.

"Shit sorry" I cursed again noticing that I was still laying on him so I got up being supported by my arms trying to get out of the sleeping bag but failed, I could of but then there would be a chance of flattening Owen again. He must of noticed because he turned onto  his side and tried unlocking the zipper, but balls it was jammed.

The position was getting awkward and pretty damn uncomfortable, I was in the push-up position, with Owen under me.  It felt like those cliche movies were the girls were under the guys and the guys do push-ups kissing the girl every time they came down to the ground. Yah those catch my drift how its uncomfortable...

But it was kinda tempting, his soft looking, pink lips pressed up against mine. I wonder how that would feel.

Oh my god. Did I just say that? I slapped my hand to my head. What is wrong with me, hes a guy. Im not gay !

An intense pain hit my area and Owen was out from under the blankets laughing. Breathing out and in slowly what the hell did he just kick me? I gripped my balls,  did that ever  hurt. I looked up at him; Im going to get him.

Jumping from the couch I sprinted towards Owen who ran for the stairs and into the bathroom locking the door behind him. Smart kid. I banged on the door. Wiggling the knob, not wanting to break the Randy's bathroom door, I decided to go downstairs, running to my phone when it started to vibrate it was a text from Tamarah, shes like my annoying ass sister.

Tamarah:                                   Man whore were going to the mall get your ass here.

Smiling at the message I replied

Tyler:                                      No problem slut give me like 30 minutes q;

Tamarah:                                   AND bring my new favourite hoe OWEN!

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