Chapter Forty-Nine (49)

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Tylers p.o.v

"I dont know," I groaned into my hands, looking up at my mom, "Its to hard," I then pouted, causing her to frown.

We were sitting outside at a restaurant, discussing what I should get Owen, I was getting him jewlery, yes. But I just didnt know what kind. I wanted to get him a ring, but a lot of people get promise rings and I want us to be different; so it was a tie between a bracelet and a necklace.

"You should just get him a ring honey," I frowned, crinkling my nose.

"But its so original, what if I get him a necklace," I twirked a brow at her, she nodded her head at me, eyes up, caressing her chin with her fingers.

"That is actually a good idea," she nodded, "Maybe like two puzzle pieces, or hey! Maybe get one of those cut in half hearts, Owen has the one engraved with your name and you have the one with his?" she now, twirked a brow at me.

I beamed, almost jumping out of my seat and dancing at the idea. Why didnt I think of that?

"Do you need money for it?" she took a bite of her food then looked at me, I shook my head, shrugging."How do you have money?" she asked, squinting her eye, something she does when she 'thinks' Im lying.

"I took all my saved up money at the old house," I shrugged, taking a bite out of my burger.

"But they cost a lot, so here" she picked up her purse and took out some money, "Maybe Ill write a cheque, eh?" she then, put the bills away and pulled out her cheque book, scribbling quickly on it, ripping the cheque out cleanly, and handed it to me, I gawked at the amount she gave seven hundred, "Dont get none of that cheap stuff, OK? I dont want the necklaces tarnishing in three days," she said, wagging her finger at me.

We both took the last bite of our meals, and stood, "Tyler I wish you would come home, I miss you, and I know deep down that he misses you too" she clung to me.

"Doesnt act like it," I grumbled, rolling my eyes at no one in particular.

"Well he does, he isnt getting it so easy either mister, think of that. Bastards sleeping on the couch!" she bowed her head proudly, and I laughed, thinking of my dad sleeping on the couch.

"Thanks mom," I gave her a final hung, "I owe you my life," I rubbed her back.

"Its OK my boy," she pulled away kissing my cheek, "Its the least I could do," she said before smiling, and walking away to her vehicle, and me going to mine.

I texted Abigail that I would be going to the mall, and she basically said as long as Im back before it gets dark--because she doesnt like it when people drive in the dark.

I walked, and drove all around because all the previous places didnt have what I was looking for, sigh, so now, I was walking into another jewelry store.

"Hi! Welcome to Independent Jewelers, are you looking for anything special today?" A lady asked, as she came up to me,

I nodded, and opened my mouth beginning to speak, "I actually.. Was.. Um," I cleared my throat, "Am looking for something for my boyfriend," I smiled, and it took her about a moment to understand what I was saying,

"Oh really?" she asked, clapping her hands, leading me somewhere, I nodded, "My son is gay actually too.. Well Bi, but hes dating a boy right now," she smiled sweetly at me,

I felt like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulder, "Thats great actually, I just wanted to get him like, something that he can wear for a long time, I guess, and something that doesnt tarnish," I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing if I made sense.

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