Chapter Thirty-Six (36)

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Tylers p.o.v

I laid on the recovery bed.

They--about five minutes ago--finished with my blood donning; and they took a whole bag! Like holy my whole are is numb. But I dont care, they can take more, as long as its going to Owen.

Just knowing that it would be pumping into his veins make me feel a whole lot better. But it was killing me that I couldnt see him, I wanted to see his beautiful face.

I wanted to caress his fragile cheek.

I want to move his hair gently from his face.

I want to litter his face with kisses.

But mostly, I would love to kiss him.

I miss him so much, I miss his touch, I miss us holding hands, I miss him walking next to me, I miss him sleeping next to me, I miss him crying in his sleep and when I would put my hands around his waist he'd stop, I missed the way he would always eat my ice cream instead on his, I miss when he smiled, I miss when he talked to me, I miss when he pouted, I missed when he laid his head on my lap, I missed when we watched movies, I missed when I could run my fingers through his nice beautiful brown locks, I miss his blush.

I miss him. Period.

I want him out of that hospital bed, and to lay in his bed with me. I want him to kiss me like he used to, I want him to be shy when we held hands in public.

I want him to love me.

I need him to love me.

Good lord, Im going to cry, I wish I never left him. Only if he knew, only if I didnt leave him, he wouldnt have broke.

I sat myself in a sitting position, Im going to see him. I thought, taking baby steps to the door, my legs wobbled but never gave way. Good boys.

They took me out of the room, and slowly down the hall to Owens room, we weren't that far. I guess just like four other rooms apart, but it felt like we were.

My hand rested on the door handle to his room, and turned it slowly, opening the room. Nobody was in their, so Ms Randy must have... I dont know left to go get clothes or something.

So taking the spot beside Owen, I sat on the end of the chair, pulling it up close to the bed, interlocking our fingers together, kissing them gently, before looking up at him, instantly feeling better, he still had the breathing tube though. Tape around his mouth keeping it there, but I could still recognize him, the reason I new it was him is because the way he fits with me. His fingers mold into mine perfectly. Its like it was meant to be. Meant to be perfect.

The bag of blood was on a hook, on a hanger like thing. Dripping into a red long tube type of thing, that connected to the vein in his skinny arm.

Holy shit, he was so skinny to though; it kind of worries me, still. Even though I know the doctor said he would be fine... It still hurt, knowing that all the pain he inflicted on himself was because of me.

He loosed about fifteen to twenty pounds. Not healthy at all.

My eyes drifted closed, still holding his unmoving hand in mine, it felt good. It felt perfect.

I heard shifting in the room, so I squinted my eyes to see what it was.

A nurse was under the blankets, near his crotch.

"Wait, wait what are you doing?" I let go of his hang, jumping up.

"Nothing! I swear, Im just changing the Catheter" She shrieked, jumping slightly.

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