Chapter Eighteen (18)

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Owens p.o.v

[Same day]

Everybody was in the water, or in the bush by the tents... Except for Tyler and I.

Instead we were laying on my rainbow towel, on the warm sand, preheated by the blazing sun.

We were playing Patty-cake; I was sitting on his waist, watching his lips move as he sang Patty cake and focused on clapping our hands—making me smile.

'Paaty cake, patty cake, bakers man, bake me a cake as fast as you can'   We clapped,

'Roll it' we rolled our hands in circular motions, the changed as he started to sing again,

'Pad it' he clapped his hands against mine, and I put my tongue out of my mouth trying to get our hands hitting the same time in motion,

'Mark it with a heart' he slipped his hand under my white long sleeved shirt making me jump when he traced a heart on the left side of my scared chest; then sat up so I was sitting in between his crossed legs, kissing my lined skin.

Making me shiver.

He kissed me again, over my heart this time, making my face heat up.

Pulling me up from my current position and laid me on the towel next to him.

I rolled onto my stomach, put my head down on my wrists and closed my eyes.

Tylers p.o.v

Yesterday was a dreadful day. Yesterday I threw Owen in something he was most afraid of, water. It was all my fault, even though Joe said to do it to 'welcome him in' I was the one to agree; I was the one to tell Joe to get Owen behind the cabin, I was the one to let Joe persuade me.

Everything was my fault, Im lucky he even forgave me. 

A second after Joe let go of his ankles, his hands snapped away from mine, I noticed something was wrong when he couldnt stay up on the water, when his arms danced above his head when he was under.

He wasnt even screaming. I thought he was dead.

My world came to a complete stop, I couldnt even move to go help him.

My Owen was about to drown in the water, my head snapped to the side when I heard screaming, shouts, and yells.

Tamarah, Jackie, Aiden and Auden were running toward us—toward my Owen. I was just leaving him in the water.

They were yelling curses, not only at me but at Joe too, things like; 'Why the fuck are you guys just standing there help him!'

'Tyler help him!' 

'Hes going to drown!'

'Joe! You knew he was scared of fucking water!' 

Then multiple shouts of his name.

'Owen! Owen! Owen! Owen! Owen! Owen!'

Then Auden, pulled off his shirt and dove into the water, right next to my Owen, and put his hand on the deck.

When I knew he was ok, and saw Aiden pulling him up. I turned to Joe and went to attack him but Tamarah got in my way.,

"You knew! And you made me dunk him in the water!" I yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him.

He swatted my finger away "Oh well! I forgot" he shrugged.

I went to go grab him, but Tamarah pushed me away.

I cant hear you... But I wish I couldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang