11° Cravings

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(Edited: July 27, 2019)


Niall's POV

“Niall James fucking Horan!” I heard (Y/N) screamed from the living room while I was busy cooking in the kitchen.

I quickly ran to the living room to check on what's going on.

“What's wrong? What hurts? Do you want to go to the hospital?” I bombarded her with a lot of questions, still trying to catch my breath

“Nothing is wrong.” She chuckled “I just want ice cream.” She pouted trying her best puppy dog eyes, which is so adorable and making me go weak

I sighed in relief and smiled at my beautiful wife. She's 7 months pregnant, and we are having a baby girl.

“Is (Y/D/N) hungry?” I asked while sitting beside her

She nod her head and lean on my shoulder while rubbing her swollen tummy. I stood up from my seat and went back to the kitchen to grab a vanilla ice cream. Then I check on the oven if the chicken is already cooked.

“Just a few more minutes.” I thought to myself

I went back to the living room, bringing a spoon and a pint of vanilla ice cream in my hand.

“Here ya' go princess.” I said giving it to her

She grabbed the ice cream and spoon on my hand and she took a mouthful of ice cream on her mouth which made her moan in satisfaction.

“This is so good.” She moaned grabbing another spoonful of ice cream

I kneeled down and rubbed her tummy.

“Hi baby.” I said talking to her belly “You want ice cream I see.” I chuckled looking at (Y/N) enjoying her ice cream

“Ow!” (Y/N) exclaimed, making her dropped the spoon and quickly pressing her hand on the side of her belly

“You okay?” I asked getting worried while putting my hand on top of her's

“She kicked.” She said stroking her belly

“She did?!” I asked my eyes widening in happiness

“Talk to her again.” She said encouraging me

“Hi baby girl, it's daddy and mommy. We love you so much.” I said gently rubbing my hand to (Y/N)'s bump

After I said it, I felt my baby princess kicked and I can't help but smile.

“She loves you too, Ni.” (Y/N) said while brushing my hair

(Y/N)'s POV

“I can't wait to see you, (Y/D/N). I love you so so much. Your room is almost done, and I bought you a lot of clothes. I also bought you a jersey, so when we watch Derby you will be wearing a jersey shirt.” Niall said talking to my belly making my heart melt

Seeing Niall interact with the baby is making me love him more.

“You are the best daddy ever.” I said then I kissed the top of his head

“And you are the best mommy ever.” He said pecking my lips

I smiled and then all of a sudden I smelled that there is something burning in the house.

“Babe, is the house on fire?” I asked

“Oh shit! The chicken!” Niall exclaimed and went straight back to the kitchen

Then he came back a few minutes later with a smile on his face saying “I'm glad the chicken is good.”

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