84° Meet the Horan's (Part 3)

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Well, hello there.

I know it's been a while since I last published a new imagine (you guys know the reason lol)

But anyways, I'm not fully back yet but it's been pretty much overdue so here is the continuation of this imagine.

Thank you for all of the constant support and patience. Love you all so much!



Tonight is the celebration of Maura and Theo's birthday. When you woke up this morning, you freshen up a bit and head downstairs to help setting up the decorations for the party.

Again, you were nervous because Niall's relatives are coming over and it is your first time meeting them. Last night wasn't the treatment that you were expecting to get but you just shrugged it off like nothing happen, maybe because all of them were just tired and stress. Maybe today they will be in a good mood and will treat you differently.

You are in the living room putting a Happy Birthday banner on the wall. While everyone is busy doing there own business.

“Love, be careful you might fall!” Niall said once he saw you standing on a ladder

He put the two boxes down that he was carrying and walked over to hold the ladder steady.

“Niall it's okay, I'm not going to fall.” You said and continued putting on the banner

Niall helped you down and you walked further to check if the banner is perfectly set.

“So what do you think?” You asked Niall while admiring it

“It's perfect, (Y/N).” He answered while looking at you making you smile

“So what do you have here?” You asked walking towards the boxes

You opened it to see a tangle of Christmas lights “Where will you hang this?”

“Backyard. So if you are done, may I borrow the ladder madam?” He said bowing down like a prince and I chuckled

“Of course you may, prince Niall.” You said doing a courtesy and a British accent

“Are you still busy?” He asked and I shook my head no

“Well great, because you're helping me with the lights.” He said and carried you to his shoulder then he grabbed the ladder to his free hand making you laugh

Niall's POV

While (Y/N) and I are putting on the lights on our backyard, I went back inside to grab some zip ties from the kitchen.

“Hold on, love. I'll be back, we need zip ties for this section.” I said pointing out the cords


As I walked over to the kitchen, mum was baking some cookies.

“Ooh! Mum you didn't have too!” I said as I was grabbing a piece of cookie but she slapped my hand before I even had it in my hand

Niall Horan Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें