84° Meet the Horan's (Part 1)

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Happy new year!

This imagine is requested by zackbreenmemelord and I super love the concept so I hope you guys will like it as well :)

Thank you for all of the support and patience!

I love you all so much and have a nice day!



It was a Monday night which means it's a date night. You and Niall have been dating for a year and two months now and it's been the best 14 months of your life. You enjoy and love his company so much.

After date night, Niall drove you back to your apartment and hangout a little. It's been a week since you guys got together because he's been busy with finishing his second album and other work related stuffs.

“I miss you so much, love.” Niall said

You and Niall are cuddled in the living room while watching an episode of Friends.

“I miss you too, Ni.” You said “It's been a while, huh?”

“Yeah and then I'll be gone again because tour starts soon.” He pouted “What will I do without you?”

“You'll be fine, love. Don't worry you have Lewis Capaldi while you're on tour.” You chuckled and he joined

Then it was a moment of silence. You looked to his eyes and it is the most beautiful eyes that you have ever seen.

“I love you.” You said making him blush and smile

“I love you more.” He said and pulled you to a kiss “I'm also going to miss that when I'm on tour.”

“I'm also going to miss you too.”

When it was around 10pm he said he had to leave and head home, because he has to go to the studio first thing in the morning. You walked him out of the door and before he got inside his car he gave you a goodnight kiss.

“By the way, I almost forgot.” He said “Mom called the other night and told me to fly to Ireland to celebrate her and Theo's birthday this weekend. I was thinking that it's time for me to introduce you to my family.”

“Are you sure?” You were shocked and your heart started beating fast

“Yes, I'm sure. Are you available this weekend?”

“Uhm, I'll check my schedule. I'll let you know when I'm free.” You smiled

“Alright, love. I'll text you when I get home. Bye, love you.” He said

“Love you, drive safely please.”


When he drove off, you went inside your apartment and locked the front door. It's not like you didn't want to meet his family, you were just nervous because if he's introducing you to his family it means he wants to take your relationship with him to be serious.

You are happy for that but you were nervous because you wanted to make his family like you and you also wanted to make a good impression.

You checked your schedule that night and saw that you were very much available that weekend and texted Niall that you loved to come.


It's already Friday and you just finished packing your things for this weekend trip. After packing, you checked if everything is all settled and ready to go. You checked at the time and it's 2am which means Niall will pick you up in a few.

You grabbed your gift to Theo and Maura, which is a set of toy figures from the movie The Avengers and a pair of earrings from Saks Fifth Avenue, and you put it on your carry-on. Niall told you that both of you will be spending two nights to his mom's house then three nights at a hotel. He also told you that he'll tour you around to his hometown before you both head back to L.A.

You went inside the bathroom to have a quick shower and put on your airport outfit. It is a pretty long flight so you wanted to be comfortable as much as possible. Although Niall payed for a first class ticket, you're pretty sure you'll be very much comfortable.


Once you guys are settled on your seat, Niall gave you a bag full of snacks.

“That's for you.” He said “To keep you company while I'm asleep.”

It was understandable because of his career, rest is the last thing that he can have. As much as possible, you give him all the time to sleep so he can have some enough rest. And besides, you can spend your time with him when you guys landed to Ireland.

“Thanks, love.” You smiled “I'll wake you up when they serve breakfast.”

It's been two hours and you were just watching some YouTube videos on your iPad and munching some snacks that Niall gave you a few hours ago.

You weren't getting tired because you are so nervous meeting his family for the very first time. But you already heard of his family because Niall talks about them pretty often during your conversations.

When Niall stirred to his sleep, so he is now facing you, you admired he's peaceful state which makes your nerves calm down. You gently brushed his brunette hair with your fingers and smiled at him.


It was 8am when they served breakfast and you woke Niall up.

“Love, breakfast is served.” He woke up after hearing your voice

He slowly sat up to his position and he said good morning “Did you have some sleep, love?” He asked with his morning voice

“No, I wasn't tired at all.”

“You must get some sleep, love. You've been up since you got home from work.” He said

“It's okay. I'm not that tired, really. I'll be fine. Maybe the next few hours I'll be feeling a little sleepy.”

“Okay, I had to admit. I had a good night sleep.” He chuckled

“Well you were slightly snoring.”


“Yeah, I didn't even know you snore.” You said making him chuckle

“Well you have to get used to it, you'll be sleeping with me for the next five days.”

“Don't worry, I like hearing you snore. Atleast I know you get the good amount of sleep.”

He smiled at you and gave you another kiss.

“Now let's eat, I'm starving.” He said making you now chuckle

Of course, he's Niall Horan what do I expect?

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