77° Don't Even Try, Horan

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(Y/N)'s POV

While I was in the living room, finishing a report for a meeting, Niall came home with a bag of food in his hand.

“Hey, bub. How's work?” He walked in the living room, giving you a peck on the lips

“Work is work.” I answered while finishing the last bullet on the presentation before I head towards the kitchen “How about you, Ni?”

“I have news actually.” He answered while he was in the kitchen

After finishing my report for tomorrow's meeting, I went to the kitchen to see what Niall brought home.

“Is that Taco Bell?” I asked


“Why?” I chuckled “You don't like Taco Bell.”

It was a miracle that Niall bought food from Taco Bell for dinner because the last time I checked, he hates Taco Bell.

“Yes I do!” He defended and I laughed

“No you don't.”

“Bub, I've realized that the food in Taco Bell is delicious. Okay, I'm sorry if I disrespected it before but now, I appreciate Taco Bell just like how you appreciate it.” He explained while taking out lots of food from the paper bag

“Yeah, right.” I said, playfully rolling my eyes

I grabbed the Crunch Wrap Supreme because it's my all-time favorite and he had Nachos.

There's something wrong with Niall today because this is not normal. I keep staring at him while he is 'enjoying' his food and he noticed which made him stopped eating.

“What?” He asked before having a bite of nachos

“Okay, what do you need?” I asked because I can smell something fishy about his attitude today

“Oh thank goodness you noticed. Here's the thing.” I listened while eating my Crunch Wrap Supreme and having a drink of watermelon freeze “I'm having a music video.”

“Well that's great! So why do you have to--”

“Wait, hear me out.” He cut me off “This music video that I'm talking about is I'm going to be shooting it with a girl.”

“Okay.” I said before having a last bite of my food “Are you asking me to be the girl in your music video?”

I raised my brows at him “Bub, please don't be mad. I really wanted it to be with you but..”

“Why will I be mad?” You asked in confusion “I mean if it involves with an other girl, it's okay with me.”

“I really don't know how to explain this without you getting mad.” He said while pacing back and forth while running his hand through his brunette hair

“Niall, I don't get it. You've done music videos with models while we're dating. So what's making you worried and buying food that you don't even love.” I asked while cleaning up my mess

He stopped pacing and said “It involves a kissing scene.”

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening in shock

“Bub, can we please talk about it in a calmly manner.” He said walking towards you

“Don't come near me, Horan.” I sternly said and he stopped on his tracks “Niall, we've been dating for 3 years now and you explained to me on how your job works, from press conference to dealing with management and etc. So I'm pretty sure before management asked you to do a particular job, you'll always think all of the pros and cons and the consequences of your decision. Am I right?”

“Yes.” He said while nodding

“So the reason you came home with a bag of Taco Bell it's because you've already accepted the offer and you didn't even warned me or asked me if it was fine for me to have you kiss another girl.” I said trying to be calm

“(Y/N), I don't know how you know me so well, but you're right again.” He said and I walked out of him “(Y/N).”

I went to our room and locked the door leaving him outside the hallway. He knocked a few times and called my name.

“(Y/N), please let me explain.” He said through the door

“There is nothing else to explain, Niall. What choice do I have if you already accepted the offer.” I said while getting all of his two pillows on our bed and grabbing him a blanket from the closet

I unlocked the door and gave him his pillows and blanket “You're sleeping in the couch tonight, I don't want to be near you right now.” I said not even bothering to look into his eyes and I quickly locked the door

“(Y/N)?” He called my name again but I didn't answer this time

I just sat at the side of my bed and sighed.

How could he do this to me? I feel betrayed. It's not like he cheated on me, it's the fact that he knew and just decided without my consent. I really do believe I have the right to know and it makes me mad that he even bribed me with food.

Niall's POV

After setting up my blanket and pillow on the couch, I sat and took a deep breath.

I'm such an idiot. Why would I think everything will be okay if I bought her favorite food. I should've talked to her before I made up my mind.

Around 6am I went to the kitchen to make some coffee but we ran out so I left the apartment to go to buy coffee from a local coffee shop near our apartment. After buying a coffee for (Y/N) and I, there is a flower shop around the corner so I bought (Y/N) a bouquet of roses.

Once I got home, I heard (Y/N) in the kitchen talking to someone. When I walked in I saw her, her back is facing me. While she's busy talking to someone on the phone, I put the coffee down and the flowers on the kitchen island.

“Okay, thank you. Have a great day!” She said before ending the call

When she turned around, she noticed the flowers and the coffee and she said “Are you now guys going to have sex in the music video?”

“No.” I answered trying not to chuckle “I bought you coffee because I know you can't start a day without it.”

She just nod and went to grab an avocado and bread to make herself an avocado toast. I stood up from the stool and wrapped my arms around (Y/N)'s waist while she was preparing her breakfast.

“I'm sorry. I love you.” I whispered in her ear and gave her a kiss on the temple

She just nod and she unwrapped my arms around her.

“Bub, please. I really am sorry.” I said but she didn't respond “(Y/N)?”

“What?” She coldly asked and I sighed

“I'm sorry.” I said and opened my arms to her waiting for her to hug me

She looked at me for a few seconds and after that she walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

“I'm sorry for last night, (Y/N).” I said and I gave her a kiss on the forehead

“I forgive you.” She said making me smile “I'm sorry if I overreacted.”

“Bub, I understand. I mean, I would also be mad if I was in your shoes.” I said “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“You're so cute when you get mad at me.” I said teasing her “I think I should make you mad more often.”

“Don't even try, Horan.” She said and I laughed

I'm definitely marrying this woman.

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