Chapter 8

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Either the dim lighting and the fact that it was dark outside had something to do with it, or maybe Connor was just being around this redheaded beauty for too long without knowing anything about her. While he did not indulge in over imbibing of whiskey, beer, or wenches in general, the first in command was well sought after by girls within and around the MacKenzie Keep. His dark-as-sin looks probably played a part in it, but being left in the dark for so long regarding one girl for so long was definitely something Connor was not used to.

So when her green eyes turned mildly panicked at the sudden reminder that she was quite scandalously alone with him in this room, an amused smirk picked up the corner of his lips. "We've spent multiple nights together, gealbhan. Are you turning missish on me now?"

"Those were different!" she retorted, flame making her hair seemed even brighter at her protest. Connor held back a laugh, and instead turned his laughing eyes on her. "How so? Technically we were alone, at night, in the dark. Like now. I don't see a difference."

"Oh don't be impossible! No one else knew we were alone then. Now we just-we had just came-I mean-"

"Oh, so you like to remain unknown by others? That can be arranged, of course." he was having far too much fun teasing her, but oh how fetching she looked now all frustrated with her lips pursed and red creeping up her neck. He suddenly decided that he could probably do this all day, if given the chance.


"Did I hurt you? Where is that salve?" All teasing grins gone when she winced as he brushed against her angry red skin, worry overwhelming Connor again. He quickly dipped the towel in the cold water and draped it across her skin again, just as the door opened to reveal Hammond, and the one he knew as Lady Evelyn.

"Hammond, who was at the door?"

"A duke, apparently, of Ascot or something. Some old friend of the Viscounts."

"And where is the duke and the viscount?" Connor asked, frowning as the brunette whom had been by Hammond's side sashayed over to grab the towel he was holding on his gealbhan's skin, practically shoving him away before taking his seat, much to the captain's consternation. He blinked in quick succession, surprised by her behaviour. "Lady Evelyn, you really don't have to do this. I was doing fine." Connor found himself confused. Didn't the English ladies usually get served by their ladies maid? Not the other way around?

Neither of the girl's answer his query though, as Hammond cleared his throat and spoke up. "See, the thing is, she isn't Lady Evelyn."

"Huh?" Confusion now clear upon the captain's gaze, he tried to look to his laird for clarification. In Hammond's defense, he had the decency to look mildly sorry for his friend as he stepped forward to take a place next to the brunette. "This isn't Lady Evelyn. Her name is Amelia Kinloch, lady's maid to Lady Evelyn... who is seated right next to her."

Connor had to physically remind himself not to gape, as his gaze fell both in  horror and surprise, on the redhead that had been haunting his dreams day and night. His redheaded beauty was the Lady Evelyn? The one he had been assuming to be a spoiled brat and a missish English lady? Surely no one of her gregarious nature and vibrant personality could be spoilt?

Yet as he watched her quailing under whom he now knew to be Amelia's ministrations, he couldn't help but wonder. Was she? Her hair was bright as the sun, comparable only to Hammond's own, less bright but equally red locks. She had the vibrancy of Highland lasses... but did she have the stock? 

"Why didn't you speak to me at first?"

"You guys have seen each other before this?" Amelia blinked, her voice louder then usual as she asked in her surprised manner. To her credit, Evie gave a rather embarrassed and guilty look at her lady's maid reprimanding tone. "Well... kind of."

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