Chapter 19

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His eyes felt as if a tonne of rocks were hanging off them, and his legs felt leaden despite his best efforts to move them. Unwittingly letting out a rumbling groan as he forced his eyes open, the moonlight was the first thing that greeted Connor the moment he managed to crack them open, noticing that a low ceiling lay above, along with a half-opened window which alleviated some of the stuffiness. Why did they have the fire going? It was hot enough in here.

Twitching his fingers, a startled gasp sounded when he tried to move his left hand, and before he knew it, a wondrous scene greeted him, illuminated even further by moonlight. "Connor, you're awake! Are you feeling alright? Does your head pound? Oh!" she gasped again, brushing fingers against his forehead and granting him a beautiful smile. "Your fever is gone, thank Heavens!" 

Bustling off, the male mourned the loss of her from his sight, yet could do nothing to put her in his view again. He could barely lift his arms, how did he expect to be able to lift himself off the bed? Luckily however, she quickly came hurrying back with a fresh towel and a mug of broth, using the towel to wipe off the remnants of his sweat, before sitting against the bed and adjusting him so his head rested on her thigh. "Here, drink this please."

"Ho-how long have I been here?" he croaked out, realizing just how dry and parched his throat was.

"Almost three days now. Here." Only when the salty broth touched his tongue did Connor realize just how empty his stomach felt. Like a dying man given ambrosia, he gulped the salty liquid down his throat, eagerly going for seconds when Evie lifted a second bowl up his lips. The sated sigh of satisfaction lifted a huge weight off the girl's chest and heart, a smile that she had almost forgotten she owned gracing her lips when his weary eyes met hers. 

"I'm sorry, fer making ye worry."

"As you should be. Never take such a chance again, Captain Gilroy, for I may not find it in me to save you the next time." Feigning anger, she helped him sit up, pulling open the windows to display the slowly rising sun before turning to glare at the tired man. "What would possess you to ride into a fight, when you had just gotten your head stitched up? If Old Agatha hadn't been around, you would've died the first time around."

"I wouldna. For ye wouldn't have let me."

"And what makes you think so?" Evie retorted, scowling at the triumphant smile Connor wore. Truth was, she had been scared half witless since Connor's descent into unconsciousness. Whatever little she ate or drank, she only remembered because Hammond or Gillian had brought it for her. Fabian had left two days prior, bearing the letter she had written for her father, begging him to leave her be in the Highlands. Connor's constant incoherent mumbles in his unconsciousness, his writhing which threatened to give him even more injuries had she not summoned for Hammond's help, all of which pointed to an infection. She had never tended to an injury as closely as she saw to Connor's, for above all, she feared a head injury she couldn't do anything about.

His obsidian gaze was perhaps her most precious sight for now... even if he was wearing a smug look amidst the weary eyes. "Because ye hadna left my side for the past three days." Before Evie could protest her presence (which she would be lying), he tugged at her with a strength that she was surprised an injured man could possess, pulling her against his side. "Ye bones ache from sleeping on the ground, ye have grown thinner from not eating properly. Yer cheeks are sunken and yer hair looks a right mess, Evie. Ye haven't been to a proper bed for days."

Suddenly, Evie felt horrified at her atrocious outlook. Surely she must look like a homeless woman? It didn't help that she had forgotten to take off the apron before she had fallen asleep. With the green stains from pounded herbs, watermarks and god knows what else... Heavens, she probably looked frightful! Suddenly very aware of how she looked like, Evie tried to wriggle her way out of Connor's hold, but the warrior simply tightened his hold around her waist, smirking when he realised how abashed she suddenly looked.

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