Chapter 17

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For the thirtieth time that day, Connor cursed as he tried to move, but was held down by a surprisingly strong Gillian whilst their old, frail healer tended to the open wound on the back of his head. Internally, he cursed himself, and everything around him. How could he have been so distracted by the allure that was his Evie, that he didn't even notice the unusual silence, with nary a greeting by the sentries at the gates when he had approached the edges of their walls?

Recognising his agitation, Hammond patted his best friend's shoulder whilst he watched Agatha dab on the last of the herbal concoction. "Rest easy, captain. I shall-"

"Nae, I shall not rest. Evie had been my responsibility, I need to see her returned."

"Ye are in nae condition to go anywhere."

"I have been through worst, Hammond, ye know that." Connor argued, and would've knocked old Agatha over had Hammond not been quick enough to grab his flailing arms, forcing them back to the bed firmly. "Connor, Evie is my cousin. Technically, she is my responsibility, nae yours."

"I was with her when she was taken. How could I have been so careless?" his guilt surfaced in his tone, a note in which Hammond recognised very well. He himself had internalised the guilt, his parents death still sat heavily on his shoulders, and how he had not been enough to keep his father alive for himself and his sister. Sighing, the laird released his grip with a warning look at Connor. "At least let Agatha see to that head of yours. I have scouts out searching for her trail. Once they return and report, we can go together."


The gust of fresh air that engulfed Evie the moment her head was taken out of the burlap sack they had tossed over her was a welcome one. Knowing her hair probably looked like a rat's nest did nothing to diminish the scowl she wore as her vision was returned, and eyes immediately fell on a couple of large Highlanders who wore satisfied smirks on their faces. 

"What do you want with me?"

The moment she spat out her words however, the satisfied smirks immediately turned to shocked faces. Gaelic began to fly once the shock had died off, with Evie only managing to catch a few words from her brief lessons with Gillian. Catching words like 'how', 'mistake' and 'sister' did not provide much clues, with the voices growing in volume until she had enough. "Could someone please tell me what is going on?"

It was quite a feat to be heard over the loud voices of uncouth Highlanders, but somehow her voice echoed over the rafters of the shoddy, rather unkempt castle, surprising them all into silence until a male of a smaller size compared to the large and firmly built Highlanders stepped forward. "Who are ye?" His blond hair was unkempt, with streaks of brown dimming the bright blond. Bronze eyes blinked in confusion as he peered at Evie, a gaze that seemed piercing and curious at the same time.

"I'm Evelyn Verrick, daughter to Viscount of Karlsborough, Gregory Verrick." Somehow, instinct said she shouldn't be mentioning her connection to the MacKenzie's just yet.

Confusion seeped its way into the faces of the foreign Highlanders who had bound her wrists behind her, and tossed her unceremoniously on the back of a horse after taking her from the gardens of the MacKenzie Keep. "Ye are not the sister of Hammond MacKenzie?"

"No, I am not her. I am.. a visitor of the MacKenzie Keep, simply staying here for a week. Why did you bring me here?"

"Fer... Fer a visit."

"A visit?!" Evie echoed in surprise, blinking. "Do you Highlanders always truss up your guests like a chicken ready for roasting then?"

"Nae. Release the lady now." At his command, a few men rushed forward and within seconds, Evie was rubbing her chafed wrists as the male who had previously addressed her came forward. "Apologies, Lady Evelyn. I'm Bryce Drummond, son to the laird for the Drummond clan. We were... looking for someone else, and you were taken by mistake."

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