Chapter 12

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She felt his kiss all the way to her toes and the way they curled within her mildly damp slippers. Evie's hands had loosened on the bow she held, but she felt almost engulfed within Connor's embrace as she felt his lips moved across hers, plundering and exploring until air swept between them once more as he pulled away. A satisfied sensation flooded the Highlander's skin as he saw the dazed look Evie wore, a sign that he had done well, and that he wasn't the only one affected by the attraction simmering between them.

Careful to make sure she was steady before he let her go, Connor pushed past the thick vegetation to retrieve the game they had shot down, reaching to take Evie's hand before leading the silent redhead to the waiting horse. "Is anything wrong, lass?"

While nothing was wrong per say, the sense of guilt in the girl was beginning to balloon the more she spent time with him. Oh don't get her wrong, Evie had fully intended of telling Connor of the plans her father had for her, that she was allowed 3 months and no more, and after that she was to return to the wedding between her and Fabian in London. But for Connor, all he knew was that she had finally been granted her heart's deepest desires in visiting the Highlands, to see where her mother grew up. He expected her to be happy, so when he saw the rather stricken look Evie wore, he dropped the hand he held quickly, assuming that it was he who had done something wrong.

"I am too bold my lady, I should not have-"

"No, Connor! It wasn't any fault of yours. I just-"

"Am I right in saying that you care for me as well then, lass?" Connor's voice was hesitant as he asked that, for the captain had  never bared his heart to anyone before this. Leaving whores and prostitutes in bed when the sun rose was easy enough, but Connor knew he wouldn't ever be able to just leave Evie Verrick so callously with no word given.

The girl fidgeted, a sign he knew by now that signified she was hiding something. Securing the game to the saddle quickly, the dark-haired captain whirled to grasp the girl by her shoulders, peering into her uncertain green eyes with a frown. "Evie-" Whatever he wanted to say however, was swallowed when Evie was the one who launched at him, latching her arms around him and planting her lips on him. Caught off guard, Connor automatically caught her by her waist, frozen in her chaste kiss where she pulled back before he had a chance to even respond.

"I have 3 months in the Highlands, Captain. Show me your home please." It was an endearing request, how could he say no? The thing was, Connor thought as he helped her on his horse, and held her tightly to him as they rode back, he didn't think he was going to let her return to her home.


Travelling with the Highlanders were a different experience altogether. Evie had travelled with her father to Bath once on a holiday, and had spent most of the time in a carriage cooped up and bored to death with only Amelia for company. And while they were the best of friends, spending all day with anyone at all would drive Evie up the wall.

But on horseback, occasionally stopping to water them, with the sun on her face and the wind in her hair, all of it invigorated the girl. It made Connor's heart catch each time he saw her flushed cheeks, rosy and bright which danced as her emerald irises did. With each day that passed, the captain grew more and more certain that despite his laird's warnings, he was not capable of resisting the attraction between him and the Lady Evelyn Verrick, like a magnetic force that pulled them both together.

Not that Hammond was much help ever since they left the castle, to be honest. Fussy and short tempered, his new attitude surprised even the captain himself, who had practically grew up with his young laird. 

"What do you think's the matter with him?" Fabian whispered to Evie one day as they helped to set up camp, well versed in it by now. Caught by surprise at her companions whisper, she jumped when she realized how close Fabian was, looking over to a dour-faced Hammond and frowned. "I'm not entirely sure myself... Should I talk to him?"

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