The Last Dance (4)

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Chapter 4 - Duel

I woke up this morning buzzing with energy. After our big confrontation last night, I'd gone back to the party, completely wound up and angry. John of course hadn't made a second appearance.

I grimaced, feeling annoyed just thinking about him. The nerve he had, to say no one would want to be with me. But was it true?

No, I couldn't believe that, I wouldn't. My skills had never turned any boy away before, the only people who ever looked down on me were the older generation of women who didn't think girls belonged on the field. I sighed, why did I always let him get to me, make me lose my temper? Not that I wasn't looking forward to our duel today. I couldn't wait to finally put him in his place. And it would be a learning experience, I loved having a new opponent, even if it was the Prince.

I got out of bed to answer a knock at the door, and opened it up to see Millie standing outside.

"Hello Miss Celia, how are you this morning?"

"Fine Millie, today's a big day" I said with a grin.

Her forehead crinkled up as she frowned. "I thought that was yesterday."

"Oh, I'm not talking about my birthday."

"What then my Lady?"

I leaned forward conspiratorially, "I'm fighting the Prince today!" I said excitedly.

Her eyes widened in concern. "Are you sure that's wise Miss?"

"Oh, don't worry Millie, I don't plan to lose" I said smugly.

"That's what worries me Miss" She set fretfully.

"What do you mean?" I asked frowning.

"Only that... well the Prince is a proud lad, he won't take well to losing my Lady, and he'll end up making a spectacle of himself mark my words!" She shifted about nervously and I gently led her into the room and sat her down on my bed. "Is it really necessary Miss? Do you have to fight him?"

"You don't know what he said Millie." I said softly, feeling on the verge of tears.

She took my hands and pulled me down beside her. "What did he do?" She said with wide eyes. I explained our argument yesterday, and when I was done she lifted a handkerchief to dab my wet eyes. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"Now Miss, you and I both know that isn't true, but you go and do what you have to do. It wasn't right what he said."

I nodded and she squeezed my hand sympathetically.

"I'll leave you to get ready then." She walked to the door and was just about to leave when she turned back.

"Oh, I almost forgot the whole reason I came here in the first place."

She pulled a small box from her apron and handed it me.

"We found it in the small room you got ready in last night when we were cleaning. There was no note, but I assumed it was for you."

I smiled my thanks to her and she left, shutting the door behind her. I opened the delicate paper around the box and opened it with a gasp. Inside was a bracelet. It was made out of three chains of silver braided together with small opals dangling down every few knots. It was beautiful, and no one had even left a note? Who wouldn't take credit for such a lovely gift? I wondered. Maybe it was from David, he would be the type to just leave something around for me to find later. I smiled, I would have to ask him about it, but first I had a duel to get through.

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