The Last Dance (16)

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Hello!! This chapter wasn't supposed to be up until tomorrow but since I got such a nice comment and message I wanted to get it out tonight =) 

Also I made a banner for the story! So if you've been wondering what the characters look like... ta daa!! They might not match the exact descriptions from the beginning of the book but I like these so much more.

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Chapter 16 - Knights in Training

"Is she awake yet?"

"Shhh, Lyle can't you see her eyes are closed?"

"But she's been sleeping forever!" A voice whined.

I cracked open an eyelid and noticed with relief that John was no longer in here. The last thing I needed was to try and explain that.

I made an exaggeratedly loud yawn and the two girls at the foot of by bed made noises of excitement.

"She's alive!"

"Or course she was alive Lyle! She was breathing!"

I cleared my throat and they went immediately silent. I struggled to get into a sitting position when I felt a pair of arms around each of my elbows supporting me up. I smiled gratefully. Guess even over three days of sleep wasn't enough to fully recover.

"Thank you..." Oh, I didn't even know their names.

The older of the two girls curtseyed gracefully "Ranya, my lady."

"Oh, there'll be none of that 'lady' business now," I said with a smile.

"See I told you she wouldn't like it." The little girl stuck her tongue out at Ranya, who gave her an admonishing look.

She then went into a wobbly curtsey of her own. "I'm Lyle" She said cheerfully.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both, but to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Ranya blushed and handed me a folded piece of parchment.

"Prince Johnathan asked us to give this to you, we didn't read it." She hastily added.

I hid a smile and took the note.


Sorry I wasn't around to see you this morning, 

I left early to help with the new settlement. 

Take it easy today wont you? 

And try not to endanger yourself while I'm gone. 

I should be back by noon. 


How sweet, he actually left me a note to say he would be gone. I smiled at read it over once more. Of course he had to add the 'don't endanger yourself part'. It's not like I went out of the way to get hurt.  


Well, maybe. But it's always for a good cause.

I grinned to myself once more before remembering I had company.

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