The Last Dance (21)

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Chapter 21 - Like a Lady

Captivated as I was by the movement of his lips I noticed when they stopped and blinked in confusion. Had I been occupied by my own thoughts long enough to miss the whole story?

Another silence had encompassed the room and John's gaze drifted to me. I didn't turn away like I usually would at being caught staring and gave him a faint smile. There was no teasing smirk like I expected, he only returned the smile, though his seemed laced with something more... almost disappointment.

I turned away suddenly to stifle a yawn, but my action didn't go unnoticed. Sir Corry chuckled from his seat and got up. John followed next and offered me a hand up. I put my teacup in his outstretched hand instead and used the couch to pull myself up. He just shook his head at me, grinning.

I shot him a smirk and turned to our hosts. Sir Corry had his arm around his wife's shoulder and they watched us with smiles on their faces.

"Well, I think that's enough stories for one night, you two will have to get an early start tomorrow."

Sir Corry and Maria headed out of the room, each motioning for us to follow as they split in different directions.

I warily turned my steps to follow Maria when John caught my wrist. I turned around to give him a questioning look but his eyes were averted to the ground.

"Well, goodnight then" He murmured.

He stepped closer and pressed a kiss to my cheek, coming away blushing. Before I could even process what had happened he was halfway down the hall. I lifted my fingers to the spot in shock, hoping that my sleep addled brain hadn't made that up.

I shook my head and turned slowly to catch up with Maria. Just when I think I know where we stand he has to go and confuse me again. During the day he acts playful and annoying but at night he's suddenly intense. As if the dark makes things that we'd never do in the light okay. And then the sun rises and everything from the night is brushed away as if it never happened. I sighed. I was far too tired to try figuring this out now.

I yawned loudly and barely managed to keep my eyes open until we reached the room I was staying in. With a mumbled thanks to Maria, I flopped down on the bed, relishing the soft mattress beneath me before I passed out in exhaustion.


The sun beat me getting up the next morning, but not by more than an hour or two. I stumbled out of the room and tried to find my way to the kitchen, where I assumed Maria would be.

Obviously I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings the night before because it took me a few wrong turns to find it. A sad thing considering the house was only modest in size.

When I finally pushed my way into the kitchen Maria was standing in front of the table packing things into my bag. A cup of tea steamed beside her. I smiled and looked around curiously wondering where everyone else could be.

"They're already gone."

I shifted my gaze back to her. "My husband and the Prince," She clarified. "They left just before the sun rose so's to get outta town without drawin' attention. Took the horses with 'em to and had a few things to take care of. You're ta meet them when you're ready."

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