The Last Dance (Epilogue)

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So here it is, the last little bit of the last dance. Can you believe it's over? It's been a great ride that's for sure. So as for all those questions, I definitely hope to write another story but it might be a while, I need to catch up with school and if I start I want to be able to update more regularly. As for a sequel, it might happen BUT John and Celia would be more of background characters.  

PS: So there were some issues with the video and I couldn't get it to work with audio, sooo the song that goes with it is Hey Juliet by LMNT so for the full effect you must play the song exactly four seconds into the video becasue the timing is everything and I'm really sad it's having all these issues. Still, hope you enjoy it anyway =)

Anyway it's the last one, so please comment and vote alright?





8 months later

Celia's POV

High block!



Left block!


I walked down the ranks, correcting stances, fixing foot positions, just like I had a million times before, but this was different.

This was my very own class.

After months of building and planning and sending out messengers, it was finally happening. A girl's school for knight training.

And all in time for the start of the New Year.

I held my cloak tighter around me, wishing I had a sword in my own hand to beat back the cold.

We'd only been working together for a few weeks, but already I could see the difference. Noble girls who'd never held so much as a stick weapon before could swing practice swords with confidence. Village girls who may have had no other prospects now had a chance to make something with their lives.

Knowing I was a part of that was unlike any feeling I'd ever known before.

Being in charge of all these girls, knowing I was part of their lives, made me realize a little bit what John went through every day as Prince. Granted, it was on a smaller scale, but at least now I had an idea of the joy, the feeling, even the pressure, of shaping so many lives.

I turned myself around in the middle of the circle, marvelling at the two rows that faced each other, smacking sticks in almost perfect unison.

The sound, I knew, resounding throughout the grounds.

It seemed to shake the very foundation of the castle letting everyone know we were a force all our own.

I smiled out, closing my eyes as the last clang echoed into the crisp January breeze, and dozens of flushed faces turned my way.

"Excellent, now who will volunteer to help me demonstrate a combat routine?"

I looked around to see many eyes quickly look away, afraid to be put on the spot.

"I'll do it"

I whipped around at the sound of the voice, whispers immediately breaking out around me as the circle parted open to reveal a smirking face.

The Last DanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon