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'But Christian...'

'No Sophia you are not going anywhere. Who is going to take care of the girls? '

'They have nannies '

'Who don't work during the weekends. '

'But Christian, the Expo only happens once a year'

'I don't care Ellie. You two are not going '

That's what I wake up to. People fuckin arguing outside my door. On my fuckin day off. I get out of bed and make my way to the door, open it and find Christian and the wives standing in the hallway.
"What the bloody fuck is going on?" I ask. They look at me and Christian's gaze lingers  a bit longer on my legs. I look down and realise that I never put on my shorts last night after my cold shower. Yeah I did take a cold shower, the man has an amazing touch. The wives notice Christan's distraction and glare at me
"Its none of your business bitch" Sophia says
"Well it is if you are shouting outside my door. I need my sleep, it's my day off for Pete's sake " They look at me one more time then go back to arguing. I see Nick walking up the stairs and walks towards us carrying a cup of coffee and an apple. He stands next to me and looks at the idiots arguing.
"What is going on? " I ask him
"Well good morning to you too "
"Morning Nick "
"Good girl. I thought they would have given up by now" he says
"Who? "
"The wives. These three have been arguing for quite a while now I even got a chance to make coffee and grab and apple"
"Again what are they arguing about? " I ask and grab the coffee from Nick
"Hey! " he exclaims as I take a sip
"Mmmh. Just how I like it.Thanks Nick"
"That's my coffee "
"Was Nick, was" I say taking more sips. Nick sighs then takes a bite of his apple
"Well, these two want to go to a fashion Expo that happens once a year, but they can't go since it's the weekend and the girls aren't at school. Ellie and Sophia can't go with them because children aren't allowed. The girls' nannies don't work during the weekends, they only work after the girls come back from school. Christan can't take care of them because he has a meeting and I can't either because I won't." he explains as he points at them with the hand holding the apple and I continue sipping my coffee thinking about my precious bed
"Why can't Laura take care of them?" Sophia asks
"She is a housekeeper not a nanny " Christan says. I'm surprised that the wives are even arguing with him. Then I realise something and whisper to Nick
"Aren't housewives supposed to clean, take care of the kids and shit?"
"So why does Christian have a housekeeper and the girls have a nannies if the wives are 'housewives'?" I ask making a air quotation with my free hand and take a sip of my good ass coffee. Nick should really start making me coffee.
"Thats what I asked Christian and he said that they stated that they were modern housewives" he says and we start laughing. The arguing stops and they look at us. 
"Whats so funny?" Sophia asks
"Nothing, go on. You were saying Christan is being unfair. Continue " I say and make a shooing motion with my hand. Then Ellie says that Christian doesn't let them do anything, then they go back to arguing. They continue going at each other and Nick and I start telling each other jokes but I finish my good ass coffee and I start thinking about how cold it is and my precious bed and the arguing gets annoying. I hand my empty cup to Nick and make a decision I'm going to regret
"Okay, stop! " I shout and everyone suddenly quitens down
"What?" Christian asks
"I'll take care of the girls" I say immediately regretting it. I am giving up my day off to take care of kids. Don't get me wrong, I love kids but I have had a busy week and I need some rest.
"What makes you think we would let you take care of our children? " Ellie asks
"Suit yourself " I say and turn around and start walking into my room. In 3,2,1
"Wait! " Bingo. I turn around " We are only letting you take care of them because we are desperate" Sophia says.
"Okay, tell then to be ready in an hour "
"Where are you taking them? " Christian asks.
"We are gonna visit Mari" Leaving them as I walk into my bedroom, I make my bed and take a much needed hot shower. Exiting the shower I grab a black towel and wrap myself with it. I decide to let my hair dry naturally and walk out of the bathroom with the water droplets hitting the floor, I let out an unintended squeal when I see Christian sitting on my bed.
"Don't you understand the meaning of privacy Christian?" I ask seriously irritated
"It is my house " he says with a stupid smirk
"And it is my room " I shoot back
"Okay. I actually came her to talk about what happened last night. It was.... " I cut him off
"A mistake. I know. It will never happen again" I complete the sentence for him. He goes silent and I not really knowing what more to say, also keep quiet. Awkward silence fills the air as none of us says a word.
"Anything else? " I ask getting irritated again
"No. I will get going. And thanks for taking the girls today"
"Sure" I reply in monotone as he finally leaves my room. I dry myself and get dressed in black underwear. After that I get dressed in a yellow strapless dress(Picture above) with brown sandals and apply a little makeup and tie up my almost dry hair.  I grab my bag and make my way downstairs, saying hi to Laura, as I pass the kitchen on my way to the dining room. Entering the dining room I find Nick and the girls playing while eating their breakfast. Greeting them as I sit down and start eating, the girls mostly talk to Nick while I quietly eat  and when we are done the girls and I leave. As we are about to leave Laura stops us.
"Here. " she hands me a huge picnic basket "I made snacks for you and the girls. You can go to the park."
"Thank you Laura. That's very thoughtful of you" I say giving her a grateful smile
"You are welcome. Now, go on" she gives us a smile and we walk to my car. We get in and drive in silence and the only time I talked  to them was when they told me which park they like. Arriving at the park, we find it a bit full. It is a sunny Saturday after all. I get the basket, since it's quite heavy, and Ana takes a blanket from the boot. We find a spot close to the pond and sit down. We get out the food and start eating in utter silence when I finally have enough.
"Okay, girls what is it?  Why won't you talk to me? " I ask and they don't answer
"Girls... " I try again
"Our mommies said you are the evil queen so since we are daddies princesses, you will try to hurt us" Ana says perfectly. She is quite smart for a seven year old while Kayla is only four.
"Really? " I ask with a small smile. The nerve of the wives. Kayla nods her head vigorously.
"The evil stepmother Huh? " I ask again in utter disbelief. Ana nods this time.
"Okay, listen. I'm not an evil stepmother, I'm far from that. I'm the..." I pause to think of an excuse. Then I come up with a stupid one 
"Lawyer that makes sure that all the evil stepmothers go to jail. " As soon as those words leave my mouth, they look amazed.
"Really?!" Ana asks eagerly 
"Yes. I make sure the princesses live happily ever after with their princes"
"Oh my God! That is such an awesome job" Ana exclaims
"I absolutely love it. Okay so finish your food so we can go play" Kayla nods this time and we finish our food and go play. After our time in the park we pack up and go to the hospital. When we reach the hospital we go to Mari's room and find her awake. The girls rush to her.
"Grandma, grandma we have missed you so much " Ana says while she and Kayla hug her. She greets them and weakly kisses each of their foreheads.
"Girls could you please go sit on the couch and play while I talk to grandma" I gently instruct them and they go to the couch and find colouring books and crayons. Putting my bag on the bedside table I turn to Mari.
"And why are you babysitting my wonderful grandkids? "
"Everyone was busy. " I simply reply "And how are you doing today, my dear Mari"
"Im doing a bit better. The doctor says I've made a bit of progress"
"Really? That's amazing " I say genuinely happy
"Yes. How are you doing?" Mari asked and I sigh
"Horrible" I say and Mari's eyes immediately light up. The woman has always loved gossip. Even during the time when she co-owned Williams Tech. with her husband, she still used her breaks to catch up on office gossip, and the employees loved her for that.
"Tell me what happened and don't leave a single detail out " she says eagerly
"I saw Dominic..." I'm about to continue but I'm interrupted by her gasp.
"At a restaurant your precious son took me to "
"My son took you to a restaurant for a date " She says excitedly
"It was a business meeting and he took the wives too. " I say crushing her
"So what happened with Dominic? " She asks and I start telling her about my encounter with Dominic. At the end of it she is fuming and wants to get out of bed and find Dominic and use all the karate moves she learnt from me.
"Calm down Mari, you are not fit to beat up a man twice your size" I say trying to calm this, weak and slightly crazy, woman down.
"Okay, so what else happened? " she asks
"Nothing " I quickly answer not wanting to tell her about what happened between Christan and I. She would go absolutely berserk.
"Kat, I have known you since you were 14. I know you more than you know yourself. I know when you are lying to me" Mari says seriously. We have a stare down when I finally cave in
"Okay woman, I'll talk" I exclaim, turning to the girls to make sure they don't hear any of what I'm about to say. You never know what these kids will say to their mums. I really don't know how to say it.  I can't just say, ' Uhm Mari, I had a make out session with your son on the kitchen wall and I can't get his touch and kisses out of my mind '
"You did what?!" She screams. A sound too loud to come out of a weak dying woman. Shit, I should really stop voicing my thoughts.
Note to self:Stop voicing thoughts
Mari's scream even makes the girls look up from their colouring books, giving them a smile they go back to colouring.
"Shh! Mari. "
"You made out with him" She says excitedly like a teenager who just found out that her crush likes her back.
"Yes did" I say sounding serious
"Was he a good kisser? Well he must be,considering that he has three wives. He must know a thing or two. He is my son after all." She rants. And after that she rambles on and on until the visiting hours are up. We say bye to her and go home. When we get home, they wives are already there sitting on the sofa obviously waiting for us. The girls each give me a hug and run to their mums who don't even thank me for taking care of the girls.
Ungrateful Bitches
Everything goes smoothly for the rest of the night and the girls even ask me to read them a bed time story. After that I go to bed.
* * * *
One week later

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